eConsultant Book Reviews

Never Wrestle with a Pig by Mark H McCormack



1. The person who will change your life is not in it now. - Avoid "locked-room logic".
2. Beware the small defining moments.
- when you are considerate.
- when you show backbone.
- when you keep a confidence.
- when you anticipate the other sides point of view.
- when you see an accident waiting to happen.
- when you remain loyal.
3. Measure your mental yardstick for personal success.
- Time
- Money - Status - Popularity
- Autonomy
4. Don't be deluded about your priorities.
5. A goal is more achievable if you break it down into its most manageable parts.
6. Letting things go is a good goal too.
7. People who count on luck rarely get lucky.
8. Be as creative with people as you are with your ideas. - network connect people you know.
9. Get a crossover skill.
- #1 the skill to sell.
- #2 the skill to create or have a unique expertise.
- #3 the skill to own a relationship.
10. Your job is just another project.
- who's the leader
- what can you contribute
- how much can you learn
- who are the other people
11. Know when to make exceptions to a rule.
12. Don't lower the bar for yourself.
- What do I actually do?
- What have I actually done?
- How does the rest of the world think you're doing?
- What is the "but ..." about you?
13. it is better to be a racehorse than a plow horse. - S-p-e-e-d.
- Know the boss
- Endurance
- Chaos in the hierarchy
- Racehorse disguised as plow horse.
14. End your day on time.
- Steal an early hour.
- Close your door.
- Eliminate unnecessary travel.
- Find a surrogate.
- Appreciate that you are always getting better at what you're already good at.
- Work when you are at work.
- Don't invest your time on puny payoffs.
15. Pick up the pace with the little tasks.
- Shorten your response time.
- Return all telephone calls within 24 hrs.
- Shorten your phone calls.
- Learn to say No - and enjoy it.
- Apologize quickly.
- Speed up lunch.
- Conduct faster meetings.
- Commit quickly.
- Say thank you as soon as possible.
- Accept that 90% will usually suffice.
- Write shorter memos.
16. Don't bet against yourself.
- What can you contribute?
- Who controls whom?
- Are you a risk junkie?
17. Put Parkinson's law in reverse - Work faster to the shorter time allocated to it.
18. Never wrestle with a pig:
- Always carry a pen/palm-pilot.
- Note when people call you.
- Don't double-check what doesn't need double-checking.
- Be an extra day ahead of the curve : plan for Thurs on Tue instead of Wed.
- Tackle your tasks in order of descending importance.
- Never pick up some one else's ringing phone - unless you want work!
- When the day is done, make one more phone call.
- Never wrestle with a pig. You get dirty and only the pig enjoys it.
- Write at least 6 fan letters a year.
- Bad habits drive out good habits.
19. The goal is more work - not less: more work leads to more exposure - leads to greater skills - to more work - to more resources.
20. You are being judged at every meeting:
1. Beware the ad-hoc meeting.
2. Don't hide.
3. Know you sight lines.
4. Resist the urge to dominate.
5. Defend your people and yourself.

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