eConsultant Book Reviews

The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success by Brian Tracy


Brian Tracy is a management/motivational speaker. Some of the rules might be self-evident and you might disagree with others but long-term experience will show you that they are all true and following them will lead to success on all fronts. I highly recommend you visit his site and check out all his books and CDs.
Notes on the 100 Laws

The Laws of Success

6. The law of Control : You feel good about yourself to the degree to which you feel that you are in control of your own life.
- Change is inevitable.
- Controlled change leads inevitably to greater achievement than uncontrolled change.
- To take control of your life, you must begin by taking control of your mind.
(Internal control and external control are so much related; and thus, is inner peace and outer peace.)
7. The law of Accident : Life is a series of random occurrences and things just happen by accident. - By failing to plan, you are planning to fail.
(Life is random; but planning eases that random chaos into a defined path.)
8. The law of Responsibility : You are completely responsible for everything you are and for everything you become and achieve.
- You are always free to choose what you think and what you do.
- Responsibility begins with your taking full and complete control over the content of your conscious mind.
- No one is coming to the rescue.
9. The law of Direction : Successful people have a clear sense of purpose and direction in every area of their lives.
10. The law of Compensation : You are always fully compensated for whatever you do, positive or negative.
11. The law of Service : Your rewards in life will be in direct proportion to the value of your service to others.
- All fortune begins with the sale of personal services.
- If you wish to increase the quantity of your rewards, you must first increase the quality and quantity of your service.
- Everyone works on commission.
12. The law of Applied Effort : All worthwhile achievements are amenable to hard work.
- All great success is preceded by a long period of hard, hard work in a single direction towards a clearly defined purpose.
- The harder you work, the luckier you get.
- To achieve more than the average person, you ust work longer and harder than the average person.
13. The law of Overcompensation : If you always do more than you are paid for, you will always be paid more than you are getting now.
14. The law of Preparation : Effective performance is preceded by painstaking preparation.
- Do your homework; it is the details that trip you up every single time.
- Action without thinking is the cause of every failure.
15. The law of Forced Efficiency : The more things you have to do in a limited period of time, the more you'll be forced to work on your most important tasks.
- There will never be enough time to do everything that you have to do.
- Only by stretching yourself can you discover how much you are truly capable of.
- You perform at your highest potential only when you are focusing on the most valueable use of your time.
16. The law ofd Decision : Every great leap forward in life is preceded by a clear decision and a commitment to action.
- Act boldly and unseen forces will come to your aid.
- Act as if it were impossible to fail, and it shall be.
- Just do it!
17. The law of Creativity : Every advance in life begins with an idea in the mind of a single person.
- Your ability to generate constructive ideas is, to all intents and purposes, unlimited. Therefore, your potential is unlimited as well.
- Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
- Imagination rules the world.
- Imgination is more important than facts.
18. The law of Flexibility : Success is best achieved when you are clear about the goal but flexible about the process of getting there.
- The continued experience of resistance and frustration is often an indication that you are doing the wrong thing.
- You are only as free in life as the number of well-developed options you have available to you.
- Crisis is change trying to take place.
- Errant assumptions lie at the root of every failure.
19. The law of Persistence : Your ability to persist in the face of setbacks and disappointments is the measure of your belief in yourself and your ability to succeed.
- Persistence is self-discipline in action.
- Never give in; never, never, give in.

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