Airline Tycoon - First Class Game Cheats

Submitted by: Epson_E
During the game, type these codes to activate the cheat. 
If you're successful, you should here a sound.

Code          Result
atmissall   - Level select 
crowd       - More people 
donaldtrump - More Money  
expander    - Expand airport
famous      - Better reputation  
mentat      - All helpers active 
nodebts     - Eliminate debts  
showall     - See all flights 
thinkpad    - Notebook 
winning     - Level skip  
bubblegum   - See people think 
runningman  - Faster player
thinkpad    - Get a notebook
more stench - stinkbombs only use down stairs
more glue   - super glue only use up stairs

Submitted by:JOHN BROOKS

At about 1745 gametime go to the Airport Manager\'s 
Office and bid for the Branch Offices available, 
Stay in the office until the end of the day.

When you return to your office the next day you will 
find that your bid/s for the Branch Offices were successful.

Continue doing this and eventually you will have all 
the Branch Offices available to you. 

This prevents your competitors from buying the rights 
and when you have all of the offices in your file you 
will never have to fly empty from an airport in order 
to collect passengers from another.

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