Alien Comic Book Game Cheats

To land the SHERIDAN the quickest way before the asteroids 
hit your ship, go down the stairs to the M.O.M. console and 
look at the VIDEO CD. Next to the VIDEO CD on the left are 
two buttons saying ON and OFF. Press the ON button, go back 
up the stairs and head right. Open the door marked EXIT 
using the keypad and then turn right again. Open the last 
barrack door to the right and search the desk and cabinet 
for a PASS and RAW CD. Leave the room and go back to the 
M.O.M. console. Using the PASS on M.O.M.'s screen, select 
the topic SHIP STATUS, then the topic SENSORS and then 
M.O.M. will ask you to use the RAW CD in the VIDEO CD. Do 
it and then leave the M.O.M. console and go to the cockpit 
area. Talk with WILLIAMS and he will land the SHERIDAN 

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