America Online Game Cheats

Display detailed version information:
Select the "Help" and the "About America Online" options. 
Press [Ctrl] + R at the about window to display the detailed 
version number. 

Display module versions:
Select the "Help" and the "About America Online" options. 
Press [Ctrl] + T at the about window to display the version 
number of each module. 

Smiley face:
Enter smile4u as a keyword. Click on the animated smiley face 
that appears to hear various sounds, including Nelson from 
The Simpsons. 

Virtual fruitcake:
Enter virtualfruitcake as a keyword to send a virtual fruitcake 
to another AOL member. 

Cartoon characters:
Enter one of the following keywords to view the corresponding 
cartoon character.

Character                     Code 
Yogi Bear                   - igoy 
Boo Boo Bear                - ooboob  
Shaggy (from Scooby Doo)    - yggahs  
Wilma Flintstone            - amliw  
Betty Ruble                 - ytteb 
Dino (from The Flintstones) - onid  
Astro (from The Jetsons)    - ortsa  
Snagglepuss                 - ssupelggans  
Top Cat                     - tacpot

Search by Game Name

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #0-9