Army Men - RTS Game Cheats

Submitted by: Steven

Press [Alt]+[Backspace] enter : ahoy captain dan. 
U will get a group of paratrooper ( Only use a time)

Submitted by: Jason

How to bring the little cheat box press [{ALT]}+[BACKSPACE] 
and type god mode as:Fantastic goo.

How to get infinite plastic first press the same keys 
[{ALT]+[BACKSPACE] and type :Blints is dead

Submitted by: Haspa

Press [Alt] + [Backspace] during game play, then 
enter one of the codes.

Result                      Code 
2000 Electricity          - zap me  
5000 Plastic              - fantastic plastic  
Random team colors on map - color me stupid
5 free paratroopers	  - ahoy captain dan 	
Increase the power	  - kick some butt 	
Green troops invincible	  - don't touch me 	

Great Battles:
Get a gold medal in the indicated campaign mission to 
unlock the corresponding Great Battle. 
Basement Baloney (Great Battle 3): Campaign mission 2
Bathroom Blitz (Great Battle 4): Campaign mission 3
Blind Pass (Great Battle 2): Campaign mission 1
Flooded Follies (Great Battle 5): Campaign mission 4
Sandbox Shenanigans (Great Battle 8): Campaign mission 7
Tricycle Treachery (Great Battle 6): Campaign mission 5
Waterway War (Great Battle 7): Campaign mission 6 

Special Operations:
Get a gold medal in the indicated campaign mission to unlock 
the corresponding Special Operation. 
Blastoff! (Special Operation 8): Campaign mission 15
Hostage Situation (Special Operation 7): Campaign mission 14
Lord of the Ants (Special Operation 2): Campaign mission 9
Midnight Snack (Special Operation 1): Campaign mission 8
Road Block (Special Operation 5): Campaign mission 12
Sandy Breach (Special Operation 3): Campaign mission 10
Tan Some Hide (Special Operation 6): Campaign mission 13
This Old Fortress (Special Operation 4): Campaign mission 11 

Locate bases and men before facing them:
Go to the "Build" menu. Select any building. Move it around until you see red 
squares, where you cannot place them.

Alternate death commentary:
The voice in the background says different dying words with certain soldiers. 
Whenever a unit dies, the voice says "Unit lost". However, whenever someone such 
as Riff, Sarge, and other soldiers with names die the voice says "Man down!". 

One Man Army: Army Men RTS reference:
Select a few units and move them northwest where a Tan base is located. Destroy 
it if desired. Go to the left opening of the thing that is almost blocking the way 
to way where the "X" is on the map. You should find a weapon boost power-up. Get it, 
if needed. While your units are standing slightly in front of those tan pillow things 
where you got the power-up, you may be able to see a few school binders stacked up 
with a lunch box on top. You may need to get the view higher. Once you see it, you 
will see a picture of the Green and Tan army men soldiers fighting each other in Army 
Men RTS.

Hex editor:
Submitted by: Tung Killer

Well, do u like break-dance, i'll give u a break-dance show by this game. 
Open the Hex-Editor, edit the file amrts.exe, go to the line 0047F65D, change 
the 89 4A 04 into 89 4A 03. That's all, now play the game, make the units move to see a show!
Note: u can also change 04 into 00-->04, don't try to change it higher b/c u'll make a crash!

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