Battlefield 2 Game Cheats
Submitted by: conner54
Enter one of the following console commands on a server to activate
the cheat functions.
Result commands
List map ID number, name, mode, and number of players - mapList.list
Set path to "_mapList.con" file - mapList.configFile
Reload "_mapList.con" file - mapList.load
Save current map list to "_mapList.con" file -
Show total number of maps in current map list - mapList.mapCount
Show the map list ID number of current map - mapList.currentMap
Clear current map list - mapList.clear
Remove specified map from map list - mapList.remove [name]
List players connected - admin.listPlayers
End round and start next map on map list - admin.runNextLevel
View map list ID number for current map - admin.currentLevel
View map list ID number for the next map to be played - admin.nextLevel
Restart current map - admin.restartMap
Ban indicated player by ID; see below for timeout values - admin.banPlayer [id number] [timeout]
Ban indicated player by CD key hash; see below for
timeout values - admin.banPlayerKey [key hash] [timeout]
Ban indicated player by IP address; see below for
timeout values - admin.addAddressToBanList [ip address] [timeout]
Ban CD key hash; see below for timeout value - admin.addKeyToBanList [key hash] [timeout]
Remove indicated IP address from ban list - admin.removeAddressFromBanList [ip address]
Remove indicated CD key hash from ban list - admin.removeKeyFromBanList [key hash]
Clear all ban lists - admin.clearBanList
List banned IP addresses - admin.listBannedAddresses
List banned CD keys - admin.listBannedKeys
Kick indicated player - admin.kickPlayer [ID number]
Ban values - Use one of the following entries with the banning commands.
Permanent ban - perm
Until next map - round
Number of seconds - [whole number]
Epoch expiration date; seconds since 1/1/1970 - [whole number]
Remote Console Access:
To setup remote console access to the server:
- On the server create a new plain text document in admin called default.cfg
- Enter the following text into the new file:
- Save the file, and start the server.
Now you can access the server remotely by using the following commands from a client:
- rcon login
Use this command to login to the server.
- rcon users
This command lists all the users connected to the server. Very similar to admin.listPlayers
- rcon exec
Replace with a console command you would like to execute on the server.
For example: rcon exec admin.kickPlayer 3
All weapons:
Use a text editor to edit the "" file in the "pythonbf2stats" folder.
Change line 44 from "defaultUnlocks = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]" to "
defaultUnlocks = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]".
Faster game loading:
Enter the "\ea games\battlefield 2 demo\mods\bf2\movies" folder and delete or
move all of its files. There will now be no ads or movies at the start of the game.
This can also speed up the menu because there will be no movie in background.
This code can also be done in the demo version of the game.