BloodRayne Game Cheats

Submitted by: conner54
Update by: BXR na wp
Update by: Carlos Lourenco

Enter the options menu and select "Enter Cheat".
A message will appear to confirm correct code entry.
Pause game play, then enable the cheat from the menu.

Code                                 Effect
TRIASSASSINDONTDIE                   God mode
LAMEYANKEEDONTFEED                   Restore health
ANGRYXXXINSANEHOOKER                 Fill bloodlust
NAKEDNASTYDISHWASHERDANCE            Time factor mode
ONTHELEVEL                           Level select
DONTFARTONOSCAR                      Enemy freeze
SHOWMEMYWEAPONS                      Show weapons
INSANEGIBSMODEGOOD                   Gratuitous dismemberment mode
JUGGYDANCESQUAD                      Juggy mode

Unlock the Game:

First of all make sure to make a backup of "rayne.exe".
Now open rayne.exe with your favorite hex editor.
Locate offset "000F9DAB". 
It begins like this "74108A460183".
Now replace that string with "0F8525F9FFFF".
That's all.
Run the game
Go to option>>cheats, simply press enter twice [do not enter any cheats.]

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