Braveheart Game Cheats
In 3D mode press DEL key for sending AI messages,
then type the codes below.
Code Result
sesquipidilian - ai cheats enabled
bannockburn - all enemies dead
the five hundred - all own dead
dresden - all buildings on fire
steve reeves - all troops hard as nails
bucks fizz - all troops retreated
bastille day - all walls breached
haemorrhage - blood disabled
killcam - cameraman dead
lockup - surprise ;)
AI Cheats
For a smarter (and unfair) computer opponent,
press DELETE in 3D mode, then type "sesquipidilian".
Breach the Walls:
To instantly breach all walls, press DELETE while
playing in 3D mode, then type "bastille day".
Instant Retreat:
To instantly retreat all troops, press DELETE while
playing in 3D mode, then type "bucks fizz".
Kill All Enemies:
Press DELETE in 3D mode, then type "bannockburn".
Kill Your Own:
Press DELETE while playing in 3D mode, then
type "the five hundred".
No Blood:
To disable blood and gore, press DELETE while
playing in 3D mode, then type "haemorrhage".
No Camera Man:
To kill the camera man (and presumably lock the
viewpoint), press DELETE while playing in 3D mode,
then type "killcam".
Set Buildings on Fire:
Press DELETE while playing in 3D mode, then
type "dresden".
Tougher Troops:
Press DELETE while playing in 3D mode, then
type "steve reeves".