Bruce Lee Game Cheats

(This is for the disk version only.) One thing you could do is play option
C, one player vs. your opponent played by the other player. But this time,
play alone, and make sure the second joystick is calibrated wrong. If the
computer sees that the Green Yamo isn't moving, it will take over, so a
wrong calibration will make it move all of the time. So, you're playing,
but that stupid ninja is in your way and it won't let you win. 
So, fix it! Eliminate him. And this is how you do it. Get a disk utility,
preferably Norton Utilities. Zap the Bruce Lee disk. Make the following
changes to a backup copy. 
10F 	8B 	09 	3F
    	162	09 	3F
That's all there is to it. Now you play, the Green Yamo flying around
crazily, and the ninja. The ninja should appear for a quick second then

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