Call of Duty - United Offensive Game Cheats

Cheat List:
Submitted by: Hrishikesh Huilgolkar 

Add the “+set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1” command line
parameter. Press ~ during game play to bring down the console window. 

Invincibility                                  god 
Gives the player all weapons in the game       give all 
Enemies don't shoot at you                     notarget 
Refills the players health meter               give health 
Makes the player commit suicide                kill 
Enables walk through walls                     noclip 
Restart current level                          map_restart 
Puts the camera at a third person perspective. 
You are always invisible however.              toggle cg_thirdperson 
Removes the sky which can brighten or darken 
the terrain depending on the map               toggle r_fastsky 
Puts the game in wire frame                    toggle r_showtris 
Makes random textures turn invisible           toggle r_lockpvs 
Removes all on screen information making the 
game look like a movie                         toggle cg_draw2d 
Refills the players weapon ammo levels give 
ammo Makes the ground and other stationary 
textures white                                 toggle r_lightmap 
Allows rifles to be fired in Automatic Mode. 
Hold down shoot                                weapon 32 
Displays lines where the light comes through 
the leaves                                     toggle r_showLeafLights 
Displays numbers on each texture               toggle r_showtricounts 
Displays where you can access via blue lines   toggle r_showportals 
Makes the players arm and gun invisible which 
boosts the frame rate                          toggle cg_drawgun 
Puts the game in multicolours (rather laggy)   toggle r_measureOverdraw 
Shows scripts over important soldiers and 
objects                                        toggle g_entinfo 
Gives indicated item give 
Teleports you to a specific node on the map    jumptonode 
Loads the map you want map 
Gives a list of all commands in the game       cmdlist 
Gives information about the game graphics      gfxinfo

Play Any Level 
When in a Single Player game bring down the console with the "~" key,
and type the following to play any level and mission you want.
Play Mission 1: Bastogne 1 map bastogne1 
Play Mission 2: Bastogne 2 map bastogne2 
Play Mission 3: Foy map foy 
Play Mission 4: Noville map noville 
Play Mission 5: Bomber map bomber 
Play Mission 6: Train Bridge map trainbridge 
Play Mission 7: Sicily 1 map sicily1 
Play Mission 8: Sicily 2 map sicily2 
Play Mission 9: Trenches map trenches 
Play Mission 10: Ponyri map ponyri 
Play Mission 11: Kursk map kursk 
Play Mission 12: Kharkov 1 map kharkov1 
Play Mission 13: Kharkov 2 map kharkov2

Submitted by:Haspa

To activate cheats on Call of Duty: United Offensive you should either go to
start-> run and type:

"C:\Call of Duty\CoDUOSP.exe" +set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1 

or create your own shortcut with that code.
Then bring down the console in game play and type the code below. Usually (~) 
or in my case (').
I have only tested one code and it worked fine

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