Carnivores 2 Game Cheats

Submitted by: Cameron Gatlin

While hunting type in debugup and then press b to get 
out of binoculars then to run fast press control and to 
jump high hold control and then press the space bar but 
if you want to fly hold down shift and press L then let 
go and jump very high and press control while you are in 
the air and you can fly.

Submitted by: Brad Arden
you cna be any animal you see on the game go to the file 
called huntdat and then go to a file called _res.go down 
to the charactor list and delete the hunter and any animals 
that comes before the animal you want to be.

Submitted by: Asmund E H Tokheim
In the Carnivores folder click in to Huntdat where you 
will find a file named _res. Open the file and you will 
find text about the weapons, characters and prices.
Here you can change ammo power dinosaurs health, sense, 
prices for the levels and much more.

Enter one of the following codes during game play to 
activate the corresponding cheat function.

Result              Code
Toggle fog        - [Shift] + F  
Flight mode       - [Shift] + L  
Toggle 3D objects - [Shift] + M  

Duplicate hunter:
Click on the hunter to be duplicated at the login screen. 
Erase the highlighted name, then type in a new hunter name. 
Press [Enter] and accept the hunting waiver. If done correctly, 
you will now have a new hunter with all of the points of the 
hunter that was originally highlighted.

Debug Mode:
Type in "debugup" during play to get debug mode. 
You will see coordinates appear in the top right 
hand corner and Dinos will ignore you unless you 
shoot them. Hold Ctrl key to move fast. 

Keys to use while in debug mode:

Code      Result 
CTRL    - Run Faster 
SHIFT+S - Slow Motion 
CTRL+N  - Long Jumps 
SHIFT+T - Show Frame Rate 
TAB     - Full Map 

after initiating cheat code, "shift L" will enable you 
to fly using the ctrl button

-Sumbitted by bill schuler

As in any hunting sim worth its salt lick, pay close attention 
to the wind-these dinos can smell. 

Tired of looking for a predator? Fire your gun every so often 
(make sure you have ammo, of course) and dinos will come looking 
for you! 

The fewer items you take along, the more points each trophy is 
worth, but the greater the likelihood that you'll have an 
unsuccessful hunt.

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