Castle of the Winds Game Cheats

To use: Hex-edit your saved game file. Be sure to 
have a decimal-to-hexadecimal converter on hand. 
If you do not know how to hex-edit files, it is 
best not to even try.
Offset - Size - Description
    94 - 2 - Current HP
    96 - 2 - Maximum HP
    98 - 2 - Current Mana
    9A - 2 - Maximum Mana
    9E and A2 - 4 each - Experience points (be sure to edit both 
    values so that they are the same!)
 Note: It is probably best to check how many experience points you 
 need for the next level, and enter that value (minus about 50), in 
 the 9E and A2 double-words. That way, you can also learn new spells 
 and the shops will have new stuff when you gain a new level.

High Constitution: 
To get High Constitution keep using a magic spell and keep using it 
even though you are out of mana. don't be scared if your health goes 
down. If you use the spell enough you hp will go back up and your 
constitution will be maxed out

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