Colin McRae Rally 2.0 Game Cheats

New Driver Profile:
Submitted by: Silvia, Remo en Rita 

Insert cheats in the ''New Driver Profile''-window.
Name            Result
GREATNEWS     - All tracks
NUTTYNETS     - Agressive cars
WHEELYBIG     - Monster wheels
SHINYBUTTONS  - Shiny cars
CURRYFORME    - Turbo Boost

Machine Gun: 
Submitted by: Viktor Hulth
Type your name as KILLTIME. Then how to fire the 
machine gun press the H button. then TA DA a 
machine gun on the roof.

Submitted by: polo
Create new driver profiles, enter any tag, 
and then these words as name:

Code              Result 
allthebuttons   - All Cars 
greatnews       - All Tracks 
minime          - Mini Cooper S Car 
evilevo         - Access the Mitsubishi Lancer Alternatives 
onecarefulowner - All Cars 
offroad         - Lancer Road Car 
jobinitaly      - Mini Cooper 
jimmyscar       - Sierra Cosworth 
coolestcar      - Ford Puma 

Cat Silhouette:
Enter HELLO RAZU AND FLEA at the cheat options screen

Search by Game Name

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #0-9