Combat Flight Simulator 2 - WWII Pacific Theater Game Cheats

Submitted by: rickHH 

Japanese planes, particularly the Mitsubishi Zeros, tend 
to be more maneuverable than their American counterparts, 
especially in the early stages of the war. Therefore, if 
you're flying a U.S. plane, it's a good idea to avoid 
"turning and burning" dogfights with the Japanese and 
instead stick with high-altitude "zoom and boom" attacks. 
Essentially, "zoom and boom" attacks involve diving on an 
enemy plane, firing, then pulling out and regaining altitude 
and position to repeat the maneuver. 

If you're called upon to fly a low-altitude bombing or strafing 
run, try to "hug the deck" for a couple of minutes after you've 
maneuvered out of the target area. By staying low to the ground, 
you'll usually be able to avoid the flak being fired from enemy 
antiaircraft guns. 

American Fighter Tactics:  
Keep your head on a swivel:
Visualizing the positions and movements of fast-moving 
objects in a three-dimensional space is difficult. But 
it's what separates fighter pilots from fighter aces. 
Being a good shot is a useless skill if you can't keep 
track of the enemy. [In Combat Flight Simulator, you can 
use joystick and keyboard commands to scan the sky rapidly.] 

Use the element of surprise:
When you come in from behind or below the enemy he can't 
see you. But dropping in from above gives you the potential 
for greater speed. While you're closing in, use the enemy's 
blind spots to your advantage. Come out of the sun or the 
clouds with your guns blazing so you can shoot him down 
before he even knows you're there. 

Stay one move ahead of the enemy:
A good fighter pilot's actions in the present are dictated 
by his prediction of the future. If you merely react to your 
opponent's actions you will be shot down. If you anticipate 
his actions and respond intuitively without hesitation, you 
will emerge the victor. 

Trade altitude and airspeed:
Are you flying too fast? Pull back on the stick and you'll 
slow down as you climb. Be careful though: pulling up to 
shake the enemy off your tail is a dangerous move! Your 
airspeed will drop quickly, and a slow ship under fire is 
a sitting duck. 

Are you flying too slowly? Nose your ship over into a dive 
to gain some airspeed. Trading altitude and airspeed is an 
essential part of all aerial combat maneuvers. 

Fly slower to turn faster:
When you ride a bicycle around a corner quickly you 
want to go fast, but not too fast, and it's the same 
with your aircraft. At fast speeds, centrifugal force 
causes the plane's turn radius to increase and its 
turn rate to decrease. Every ship has a speed at which 
maximum-performance turns are possible. In general, 
though, a slower-flying aircraft will out-turn a 
faster flying one. 

Turn into your opponent:
Turning into the enemy's direction of movement 
increases the angle between your movement and his 
guns, making you harder to hit. Turning away decreases 
the angle, making you an easier target-and making it 
much easier for him to get on your tail. So, if the 
enemy is coming in behind you and to your right, bank 
right to get out of his gun sights. 

Use "deflection shooting":
Attacking an enemy aircraft from in front or behind 
is easy. Just aim and shoot when you're close enough 
to hit the target. Attacking from other angles is 
more complicated. You must coordinate your shooting 
with your speed, and fire ahead of the target so that 
he runs into your bullets. This difficult skill is 
called "deflection shooting," and it is the mark of 
a good combat pilot. Learning it is essential to your 

Don't shoot until he fills your windscreen:
Wait until you're so close that you're sure you'll 
hit him, this tactic will save ammunition. This 
strategy takes less concentration than deflection 
shooting, but it isn't always practical -- especially 
if you're meeting the enemy head on! 

Never stop an attack once you've initiated it: 
If you run away when you're within range of the enemy, 
it's easier for him to get a shot at you. Courage is 
not the absence of fear; it's action in the face of 
fear. If you've decided to attack, be courageous and 
follow through. Cowardice at close range will get you 

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