Command & Conquer - Yuri's Revenge Game Cheats

Submitted by: PhoenixR,

When playing against a Yuri computer enemy and have a chronosphere, 
chronoshift the slaveminer into the water when the slaves are close 
to its base or units (don't harm the slaves!!!). When the miner falls 
into the water, the slaves become white neutral units and the computer 
does not attack them, but they attack anything that near them. I've 
distroyed lots of Yuri bases like this. The slaves kill slowly but the 
computer won't harm them (max accidentally run them over :) ). Works 
great with version 1.00 , but probably with the newer patches too.
Another tip:
Place bombs on enemy chronominers if you can at the rigth moment before 
shifting back to the base (do this with a crazy Ivan of course). 
The miner returns to the base and BOOM. To bomb hits and the refinery 
is destroyed.

Submitted by: f16dude

When playng as yuri in a skirmish build 2 floating disks. 
Send the first one and hvae it drain the enemy\'s power 
which will disable anti-air defences. Then send the second 
one and have it steal money from their ore refinery.

Submitted by: Oz2k

when doing the missions always build up your base and 
defences before attacking, on most missions Yuri's 
forces won't actually expand there base. Once you have 
enough resources build long range units, like the 
Apocalypse Tank or the Prism Tank which can destroy 
Yuri's annoying base defences before they can affect you.

50 brute's cheat:
Submitted by: jordan

buld 10-20 slave miner's (20 is the best) get the all on 
1 ore patch  buld a mutata and use it on your slave's 
and you will have up to 150 slave's your slave's will 
come back. 

Tactics when playing as Yuri:
Submitted by: XtremeGamer2000

Cash Increase:
You need:
A genetic mutator charged to full
Cloning Vats (optional but recommended)
Meat Grinder
Lots a cash

Crank out a huge army of Initiates and bunch them up in 
one location. Use the genetic mutator and turn them into 
brutes, send the New brutes into your meat grinder.

Double Devastation:
You need:
A fully charged Psychic Dominator
A fully charged genetic mutator
Enemy base's location

Use the dominator in the center of where he has a few 
buildings bunched up, now immediately use the mutator 
at the same spot, You should now have destroyed most of 
his buildings and have an army of Brutes to take care of 
the remainder.

Submitted by: Mark

When playing as Yuri in a skirmish or multiplayer 
game, there's an easy way to win. Firstly, make sure 
that your base is well protected so that you don't 
have to worry about that later. Then make sure that 
you have enough money, and start building about 8 
floating discs; keep them near your base. When the're 
all done, order them to attack one of your opponent's 
powerplants; this will take out his power fo his air 
defense. When one of the discs is floating over one 
of the powerplants and draining the power, then make 
the other discs attack the anti-air units of your 
opponent. When those are all eliminated, you will be 
free to destroy the base completely; probably without 
having lost one unit.

Submitted by: nightraider 

If a Squid tries to "sink" an Allied Robot Tank, its 
tentacles will change color and it pops up without 
After the Robot Tank is destroyed, the squid changes 
back to normal.

Allied Battle Fortress Strategies:
If five chrono legionaires are put in a battle fortress it becomes 
the awesome Chronotank. Use snipers, Tanyas, or Navy Seals for 
infantry and Tesla troopers and Gaurdian GIs for tanks or a combination 
of everything. Just don't use the Legionares with other units because 
they will all target one unit but only the Legionaire will shoot. 

Triple Gattling Speed:
Get a gattling cannon and set it to attack ground, call it a number 
and leave it. When an aircraft comes press its number and click on 
the aircraft and it will fire at triple the speed.(Works best on those 
Kirof Airships!!!) 

Lots-a-Brutes: (Yuri side only!) 
Get the genetic Mutator ready. Turn super Weapons on and start a game. 
Build about 5-10 slave miners and send them all to one ore patch. Once 
all slave's are in range of the mutator click and all slaves turn into 
brutes. The slaves will be replaced and you could have 50 brutes!!(if u 
need cash, grind em!).

Easy Win:
First built cloning vats, than built a yuri prime(you'll get 2) then 
nuilt a flying disk, attack with your flying disk power plant(it will 
drin its power), then with yuri prime caputere barracks or war factory,
make some units to come out of the caputred building, and then finally 
use your second yuri prime to caputere the constuction yard.

Special Unit Cheat:
If you can build cloning vats, use them to make a second yuri prime, boris 
etc. Simply build your cloning vats and then build your special unit.

Very Easy Win:
With Yuri's side build 7-10 flying disk, attack your opponents power plant 
with 1 flying disk use the rest to attack all the structures. With soviet 
simply build 7-10 apocalypse and make sure they get upgrated to elite. 
then you simpy fully raid the opponents grade starting with power plants 
and construction yard.

Submitted by: jole
if u are playing for yuri magnetrons can lift enemy 
vehicles and drop them on walls, cliffs and water, 
they will instantly die.

submitted by: Potemkin

Want you to get a CHRONO IVAN?! Play with the ALLIED side (USA,France...) against a 
SOVIET side (Libya,Iraq...).
1. Build a barracks and a Battle lab as fast as you can.
2. Train a spy.
3. Kill the enemy's dogs and discuise your spy!
4. When the enemy builds the Soviet battle lab send your spy in his lab QUICKLY 
You will get a Chrono Ivan if you did what I have written.
The Chrono Ivan will move like the Chrono Legionnaire, but will lay bombs into 
buildings like Tanya, Crazy Ivan. 
Make sure that you don't move him close to a prism tower or a tesla coil.

HINT: Move your Spy near Soviet base to come faster to battle lab.

BEST PARATROOPER DEFENSE (Works only with Yuri):
Submitted by:: Potemkin

1. Build barracks
2. Build psychic sensor
3. Train Yuri clone (800$)

This is very usefull when playing against America (or a side with captured Tech Airports). 
When you see paratroopers falling from the sky, move Yuri clone on the shadow on ground 
(multiple dots). Make sure that you moved Yuri clone on place with most shadows. Make 
CLONE. Click ON the YURI CLONE or press the DEPLOY button and most of the 
troopers will explode in the air! The troopers that remain will capture Yuri clone ;-)

NOTE: You can do the same thing with Yuri prime (1500$)

Submitted by:Devastation Master

Siege On Yuri Base:

You need:
1. Build 30 or more Siege Choppers
2. Build 30 or more Terror Drones
3. Build 10 or more Flak Tracks


First move all Siege Choppers into the area where is safety near Yuri base 
and deploy all Siege Choppers at out of range of all Yuri base defenses try 
to move Terror Drones and Flak Tracks behind Siege Choppers then move Siege 
Chopper one by one try to move close front of Siege Choppers line(wait for 
clear then move) then move close to Yuri base as slowly but excellent guarding 
if you see Floating Disk use Flak Tracks shoot them down if you see Menetron 
use Terror Drones to destroy it and use Siege Choppers to destroy other unit 
but you may use Terror Drone to support your Siege Chopper against Master 
Mind but you must create new unit to replace all destroyed unit as quickly 
as possible. (I think it like Allied's Prism Tank assault but I do it in 
Soviet version) Remember destroy every enemy unit who move close first then move.

NOTE: Watch for Chaos Drones they can disrupt your siege line.


Super Mastermind Fghter:
Submitted by: MartexGT

This trick alows you to control 5 units with one tank.
To do it you must be in Yuri's side only. Train Yuri Prime or Engineer 
to capture Allied CON. Yard, then build barraks, war factory, battle lab 
and a battle fortres. Then train five Yuri Clones and send them into Battle 
fortres, now you have a super mastermind fighter. Enjoy!!!!!!!

Submitted by: Jaaziel Charisma:

You can create an supermind which can easily dominate the mastermind. 
Play as Yuri. Mind control a Battlefortress. Now send in 5 Yuri clone 
and move it to yr enemies base. It can trample other tanks and can fire 
on your enemies and can also mind control 5 uniots and unlike the mastermind 
it can remain with full life. any one who reads this pls send me an e mail 
with a comment on this. Thank u.

Submitted by: gamesurfer

Play Yuri and take a Magnetron to your enemy's base. Find a tank or any 
other vehicle and position yourself so there is a building between your 
Magnetron and the vehicle. Pull the vehicle towards you. When it is directly 
above the building, move the magnetron so the vehicle drops on the building. 
The Vehile will be destroyed and the building will suffer damage as well.

Complete all allied missions:
Submitted by: chriss

to complete all allied missions in yuri's revenge just build ore refinery barracks 
some pillboxes(3-4)then the war factory then the battle lab, build 3 miners and 10-15 
laser tanks and destroy yuri's base, because yuri's defenses are weak against the laser, 
don't put them to close to the defenses, from far aim at them.
If you want to know something just send me an email on 

Submitted by: tomislav(a)

When you play at Soviet side build 3 rhinos, 1 V3 launcher, 10 constripts,
2 teslas,1 apocalypse and Boris.
Rhinos destroy weaker defences, V3 destroy strnoger defences(prism tower) 
constripts kill infantry, tesla troopers protect constripts, apocalypse 
eliminates enemy tanks(fully loaded battle fortress) and boris destroy AA 
guns and base structures. And if you want to, bring enginners and capture 
enemy building to have new tech, and than combine them(IFV and TESLA TROOPER ETC).

Here is a very easy tip:
Submitted by: tomislav(a)

When you play as an American you can paratroop many troops near your base and 
than build few tanks, and a NAVY SEAL and voila, the GI's will kill troops,
tanks destroy other tanks and defences and SEAL or Tanya destroy power plants 
and if you want to, use Harriers to destroy the entire base, GOOD LUCK!

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