Cult Game Cheats
When used improperly, this trick can get your character
stuck. This bug takes advantage of task switching and
generally requires another active window (i.e. a folder
or notepad) to be open. Using this trick, the character
can walk through walls, bushes, and water. Although he
cannot walk through key holes, the character can easily
walk though the walls/water/bushes that surround the
key holes.
1. Press and hold the alt key.
2. Press and hold an arrow key.
3. Tap (and release) the tab key.
4. Release the arrow key (this step is not really necessary).
5. Release the alt key when the trick is completed. You may
need to switch back to the game window by pressing alt+tab
or clicking the game window in the start menu.
6. Steps 2 and 3 must be executed before the character touches
the territory that you are attempting to cross through.
Submitted by: Conner54