Cultures 2 Game Cheats

Submitted by: Jos & Marit

In game set gamespeed to pause and press the button 
(its opening a screen were you can save your game and load one)

in the screen that open type:

Cheat        Result
funexplore - You see the hole map.
FUNCOLORS  - Toggle the display colors between grey, brownish, 
             light grey and normal 
FUNLARRY   - Play all game sounds very fast, enter again to 
             return to normal 
FUNOUTTAKE - Plays the outtake.mp3 from the CD 

Unlock missions:
Unlock missions by typing one of the following codes at the campaign 
selection screen. You will hear a sound if the code was entered correctly 
and also the level will appear on the map. 

OHODIN      - Unlock Normandy Mission 
ZANZARAH    - Unlock England Mission 
AMY         - Unlock Italy Mission 
HADSCHI     - Unlock Miklagard Mission 
HABSPASS    - Unlock The Warager Guard Mission 
SVENKOMMT   - Unlock The Battle for Byzantium Mission 
GOTHICRULES - Unlock Alexandria Mission 
REGENGOTT   - Unlock Baghdad Mission 
SCHATTENFEE - Unlock Wigrid Wall Mission 

Turbo mode:
While playing a game, press [F2], then type "funspeedup". 
Press P to pause the game and return to normal. A sound will 
chime if you did it right.

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