Deluxe Pacman Game Cheats

Submitted by: conner54

Bring up a DOS window or click on your START button and select RUN and type:
'C:\Games\Deluxe Pacman\DPacman.exe' -wanda

(you can also create a shortcut to DPacman.exe and edit the shortcut properties 
to automatically use the above command line with -wanda, that is what I do for 
testing, I may add a way to enable cheat mode in game later on.)...this will 
enable 'CHEAT' mode (actually a Programmer's mode I use to test with). 
Then use these keys while playing the game... 

F1     - F4 = Changes a ghost to blue (scared).
F9     - God mode enabled
F10    - God mode disabled
F11    - Gives you all 5 lives
PageUP - Ends current level
O      - Force the next pickup to be the Present tool (the letter Oh that is)
D      - Force the next pickup to be the Diamond tool
1      - Force the next pickup to be the letter E
2      - Force the next pickup to be the letter X
3      - Force the next pickup to be the letter T
4      - Force the next pickup to be the letter R
5      - Force the next pickup to be the letter A
F      - Force the next pickup to be the Freeze tool 

Note: Cheaters never prosper, so you don't get your name on the highscore 
if you cheat.

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