Descent to Undermountain Game Cheats

Submitted by: Alex Burness

hometaser        - If typed at stats screen gives you 18 for all
shrinkiwannakill - If typed in game gives you ultimate sword
mesmart          - if typed in game gives you all spells and all spell 
                   scrolls - good for money Tarrasque

The manual and the hot-key card disagree on which keys 
to use to sidestep left and right. The manual is in fact 
correct: use the "Z" and "X" keys to sidestep.

Break things to find the goodies hidden inside, but don't 
hack at things indiscriminately; you can break boxes, 
tables, chairs, and benches, but some of them are there 
for you to try climbing on; if you break them, you can 
frequently find yourself with no way up.

Save often! Not only will you probably find yourself 
dead often, but often when you get hung up somewhere, 
going back to a save game is the only way to continue 
the game.

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #0-9