Disciples - Sacred Lands Game Cheats

Submitted by: Michael Kuniega 

Cheat mode:
Press [Enter], then type one of the following codes.

Code                    Result 
givememoney           - 5000 Mana and Gold 
upgrademe             - Next Fight will Level up your Leader 
                        and Units 
letmemove             - Refill Units Movement 
playhideandseek       - Become Invisble 
iwanttokilleverybody  - Be at War with Everyone 
iloveallofyou         - Be at Peace with Everyone 
iwanttobuildagain     - Be able to Build again 
iwillkeepaneyeonyou   - Reveal Enemy/Monster 
whoturnedoffthelights - Hide Map 
nowicanseeyou         - Reveal Map 
whataloseriam         - Instant Loss 
nobodycanbeatme       - Instant Win 
givemeanotherchance   - Revive Dead Units (One Unit Must Still 
                        be Alive) 
makemestronger        - Recover Health 
wouldyou?             - Be in Alliance with Everyone 

You can use the AutoSave feature to load the game from the 
previous turn if you're taking a nasty beating. 

Resurrecting dead units will bring them back with their 
experience points intact, but if they have very few experience 
points, your gold is better spent simply recruiting a new unit. 

Build the Guild and start sending out Thief units as soon as 
possible it's the cheapest way to find out what sort of enemy 
forces are inside cities and towers. 

Seriously consider using the Suicide function during battle if 
you're positive you're going to lose and if you suspect that 
enemy units will advance a level by fighting the battle to the 

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