Earth 2140 Game Cheats
1st step:
Find the earth800.bat OR earth640.bat in the earth
directory. It should look like this for the earth640.bat:
if not exist vxdldr.exe goto DOS
start /m vxdldr.exe
dos4gw game.exe x640
Now add the following commands to the file (MS WW)
to make it look like this:
if not exist vxdldr.exe goto DOS
start /m vxdldr.exe
dos4gw game.exe x640 MS WW
Do the same with the earth800.bat and the
first step is complete.
2nd step:
During the game, hold down the SHIFT key
and type the following commands:
rthcshe = gives you 5000 cash every time you type it in
rthshowmp = self-explanatory... shows the whole map
Water Battle Defense:
In case the water troops get too powerful,you should
build some WTP 100 air-cushion transporters and place
some SPIDER or SPIDER 2 units on them.