Earth 2150 Game Cheats
Update by: suhas
Cheat codes:
Submitted by: Blonde
Your page on Earth 2150 says that the cheats have not been tested.
We'll not anymore! They work perfectly on the Retail English Version
and also work with the patch installed!! Extra: the "enable
fast research for player only" is awesome! The tech is researched
instantly. You can literally research all 60 techs in only the time
it takes to click on them!!!
Just wanted to pass this info on so all can enjoy.
These cheats have not yet been tested.
They may only work with German versions of the game.
To eneble cheats just click return and enter as follows
"I_Wanna_Cheat" and then press just return don't press
left shift key or 0 keypad keys.
To enter any of the following cheats, press ENTER, type the
cheat text and press ENTER again to activate.
Cheat Result
X-mas_pack = Reload ammo and full repair
Fireworks = Put mines in area (range 8)
I_love_this_game = 1000 give 1000 CR
I_hate_limits = 100000 increase unit limit to 100000 CR
Einstein 1 = enable fast research
Einstein 0 = disable fast research
Help_me_please!!! 1 = enable fast research for player only
Help_me_please!!! 0 = disable fast research
Time_is_relative = faster researches
Dirt_cheap_research = cheaper researches
The_hammer_of_Thor = Kill all enemies in range of 8
Massacre = Kill all objects in range of 8
see_you_next_life = kill selected object
Hasta_la_vista_enemigos = kill visible enemy units and buildings
Bad_time_bad_place = Damage all objects in area
Eagle_eye = show area
Let_be_darkness = hide area
No_one_hides = shows all units
No_more_secrets = shows all map
Armageddon = meteor rain
Cheat= "I_love_this_game" (gives 1000cr to player)
Does not work on the retail English version or the patch.
May work on German Language Version.
When used on English version, the game responds with "Unknown Command"
Submitted by: Blonde
1. To Enable Cheat: Type "I_wanna_cheat" then press Enter ONLY!
(The simultaneous Enter,L shift, & 0 is NOT Necessary!)
2. Cheat: "I_love_this_game (amount)" : This cheat does work, and
any amount of credits are accepted in 1000 incraments. It is key
to leave one space between the words and the amounts.(tested to 50000)
3. Cheat: "Time_is_relative" : Works good, but also has effect on
enemy research abilities
4. Cheat: "Dirt_cheap_research" : Works good, but also has effect on
enemy research abilities
5. Cheat: "The_hammer_of_Thor" : Works great on invading forces, but
has also killed my units that were "repainted"
6. Cheat: "No_one_hides" : Shows all enemy positions, but also shows
the enemy where you are! Use with caution!
7. Cheat: "Armageddon" : Works wonders, and has been tested on all
terrains, (not just Volcanic),can be used by any race, and does not
require weather control station.
Cheat Update:
Submitted by: Blonde
Cheat= "Massacre" =This cheat kills all objects in range of 8.
This also includes Trees and Bridges. (Can be used to keep the
enemy ground forces at bay, or clear trees in your way before
contruction of structure.)
Cheat= "Bad_time_bad_place" =
Damage all objects in (viewing) area. This cheat reduces
HP by aprox. 50%.
Cheat= "Fireworks" =Mines range 8. These mines do not effect
your units and can be traveled over.
Cheat Update:
Submitted by: Sam Tope
I know this has been posted before, but the
Cheat has just been tested by me to go up to
9999999999 which will make it think you entered the HIGHEST possable amount
in the game.
Any more and you will be sent back to 0 Cr.
Also, for some cool effects, do fireworks cheat and armageddon in same place.
Meators will strike and the mines will go off.
It looks like there has been a mass explosion.