Empire Earth Game Cheats
Update by: jan imbach
Update by: Scott
Submitted by: XtremeGamer2000
Juan Pablo Rodriguez
During gameplay press ENTER then enter a cheat below for
the desired effect:
Code Result
creatine - Get 1000 iron
you said wood - Get 1000 Wood
rock&roll - Get 1000 rock
atm - Get 1000 gold
my name is methos - Get all resources and show map
ahhhcool - Lose game
somebody set up the bomb - Win game
boston rent - All gold gone
the big dig - all resources gone
display cheat - shows cheats
friendly skies - Planes refuel in mid air
mine your own business - 0 rock
girlyman - 0 iron
slimfast - 0 food
coffee train - Health for all player units
brainstorm - Faster building
headshot - all object gone
uh, smoke? - All wood gone
asus drivers - show map
boston food sucks - Get 1000 Food
all you base are belong to us - Get 10,000 everything
(or all your base are
belong to us)
i have the power - Magic/power set to max
columbus - Animals & fish appear
the quotable patella - Units upgraded
Health for all player units:
Submitted by: Mastermind
E-mail: carlodude100@hotmail.com
Click a villager and tell him to build a building
(one that you can make units at) anywhere on the map.
Type in the health cheat, (coffee train) in the chat
box and the building will get full health and you can
build units at it, even though there are only the
foundations of it there.
Submitted by: Felix Mc Mahon
In empire earth open up a game and save it. Now go to
My Computer and find the Data\Saved Games folder.
From there take the game you just saved and move it
to the Data\Scenarios and rename the ending >from
.ees to .scn . You can now open Empire Earth and
edit your savegame in the scenario editor. When you
are done move the file back to your saved game folder
and rename the ending from .scn to .ees .
Engineering magic:
Submitted by: Manav Poddar
While playing the german campaign build a settlement near the gold mine
and then you can use your engineers to mine gold for u. if by clicking
the dont go for mining then select 1 citizen along wih 5 engineers then
click on the mine the will happily do it. i have tried with the gold mine
you try it with something else. moreover engineers construct very fast.
just make a building with the help of your citizen then click a engineer
to help buil it.
Submitted by Jacques v.d Horst
If You already read Dune 2000's hint this one is the same all you do is go
for the enemy's Capitol then go for the cithzens and go for the rest
like the barracks the airport you now.
Submitted by: TIm
If you save the game in a campain you can use regular cheat codes when you
load that game again i have not tried it on the regular campains but i have
on custom campains made by other player try it out and see for yourself.