Enclave Game Cheats
Submitted by: Joseph porta
in the map mode press [ENTER] tipe the cheat then pres [ENTER] again
Code Result
fuciormam - god
fffwater - gives fire sord to all careacters(except the archers)
dbdarck - gives Sord of Mordesa to all caracters (except the archers)
theconfesion - gives READEAMER crossbow to all caracters
Submitted by: conner54
Find & Edit "environment.cfg" and enter this line:
"CON_ENABLE=1" (without quotes)
cmd giveall - will give you all
cmd noclip - you can walk trough walls
cg_menu "cheatmenu" - "god mode" , "complete mission"
See "Config.mpp"
Submitted by: IceCube/leu_radu92
If you find a pool, you can easily kill any kind of foe.
All you have to do is to be face to face with him, you on a
side of the pool, he on the oposite side. You have to wait a
bit and he would usualy fall in the pool and drown.