Falcon F-16 Game Cheats

These cheats will only work in version 3.0

SHIFT+T      change time
SHIFT+U      Look Down
CTRL+ALT+5   Auto Level
P+TAB        Recon Camera (Wait for pause before hitting TAB)
             While in Camera mode use the following:
             + increases speed
             - decreases speed
             PGUP increases altitude
             PgDn decreases altitude
             F3 rotates right
             F4 rotates left
             Hold SHIFT for up & down for rotation
             Hold CTRL for fine tuning
             Hit ~ to start sim back up
P+TAB+D      Debug mode
             1st line: ?
             2nd line: N/S & E/W Coordinates; Alt. (div. by 2); Speed
             3rd line: Frame Rate
P+TAB+T      Transporter.  Enter location code & hit enter.

If you find yourself running out of weapons and are in need of 
some extra afterburners during a mission hold down X+SHIFT+CTRL 
together. This gives you eight sidewinders more afterburner power 
and a full magazine for your cannon What's more you can do this 
as often as you like.

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