Fatal Racing Game Cheats

Enter one of the following names on the 
configuration screen to activate the 
corresponding cheat function.

Effect                  Name 
Secret car            - LOVEBUN  
Secret car            - MAYTE 
Secret car            - TINKLE 
Secret car            - SUICYCO  
Secret car            - 2X4B523P  
Access second cars    - FORMULA 1  
Destruction mode      - SUPERMAN  
Invincible human cars - DR DEATH  
Premier Cup           - GOLDBOY  
Bonus Cup             - MREPRISE  
View end sequence     - CUP WON  
View race victory     - I WON  
View Credits          - ROLL EM  
Killer opponent       - DUEL  
Alternate sounds      - TOPTUNES  
Widescreen mode       - CINEMA  
Faster game           - TACHYONS  
Big screen mode       - YOTARACE  
Disable cheats        - REMOVE  
Psychedelic colors    - FREAKY  
Icy roads             - MRFROSTY  
Strange car warp      - WARGATE

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #0-9