Fate of the Dragon Game Cheats

Press [ENTER] then type any of the following codes: 

Code                   Result 
!om+god!             - God Mode (Units Must be Selected First) 
!om+speed!           - Speeds Up the Game 
!om+godblessovermax! - Level Max to All Generals 
                       (Must be Selected First) & Add Resources 
!om+win!             - Win the Game 
!om+fog!             - Show Entire Map 
!obj+gold!           - Give Gold 
!obj+timber!         - Give Lumber 
!obj+rawmeat!        - Give Meat 
!obj+corn!           - Give Corn 
!obj+food!           - Give Food 
!obj+iron!           - Give Iron 
!obj+wine!           - Give Wine 
!obj+all!            - Give All 

Alternate Codes:
Try these if the above codes do not work on your version: 
Press [ENTER] then type any of the following codes:
Code                 Result 
!om+superman!      - God Mode (Units Must be Selected First) 
!om+gonzales!      - Speeds Up the Game 
!om+icanseeagain!  - Show Entire Map 
!om+smartbomb!     - Kill All Military Units on Screen 
!om+godblessgreed! - +10000 to All Resources 
!obj+moolah!       - Give Gold 
!obj+splinter!     - Give Lumber 
!obj+chips!        - Give Corn 
!obj+piggy!        - Give Food 
!obj+ingboard!     - Give Iron 
!obj+booze!        - Give Wine

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