Fly Or Die Game Cheats

Submitted by: conner54
Here are the cheat and level codes that you can use to simplify your 
walkthrough of FoD. You may enter these codes in the question box, 
which pops up when you press 'C' key during the game. All cheat and 
level codes are case sensitive!

Code             Result
pleasespeed    - Enables permanent movement of your spaceship at a 
                 high speed. If you enter the code second time, this  
                 mode will be switched off. 
pleaselives    - Gives you 5 extra lives to spend. 
pleasehealth   - Gives you 100% of health. 
pleasegod      - Invulnerability. If you enter the code second time, 
                 this mode will be switched off. 
pleasefire     - Generates FireFury (Multiple Shots) bonus. 
pleaserockets  - Gives you 20 rockets to shoot. 
pleasenextroom - Moves you to the next level (room). 
pleaseprevroom - Moves you to the previous level (room). 

Level Code Description: 
LOVE2KILL  Level 1 (very beginning) 
DIMINISHME Level 1, Stage 2 
2BBEHEADED Level 2, Stage 2 
DEVILSHERE Level 3, Stage 2 

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