Hammer & Sickle Game Cheats
Enable Cheat Console:
Submitted by: Haspa
Locate and open the file s3autoexec.cfg with Notepad. At the end of the
file, add a line and type wirbelwind. Locate and open the file s3input.cfg
with Notepad, locate gamebinds and bind console = 'X' where X is the key
you want to use to activate the console while playing.
When playing, press the key you used for the console then type any of the
following cheat codes:
Code Result
cheat_ap 1 - Unlimited AP
godmode 1 - God Mode for Squad
godmode 0 - God Mode Off
game_noai 1 - Disable AI
game_noai 0 - Enable AI
i_am_an_alien 1 - Enable Transparency
i_am_an_alien 0 - Disable Transparency
setxplevel # - Set Squal Member to # Level
cheat_showall 1 - Show All Enemies
cheat_showall 0 - Unable to Show All Enemies
getitem # - Get Item # (1-675)