Insane Game Cheats

Update by: Jacek Knape (Poland/Warsaw)
Submitted by: jens lohse 

Type these cheats at the Main Menu: 

Code            Result   
INEEDMOREMAPS - unlock all locations
GOKARTZ       - Little wheels 
BIGHEADZ      - Big driver heads 
BOXERZ        - Big driver hands and feet 
BIGFOOTZ      - Big wheels 
FONEKART      - Secret Level 
SPEEDRACER    - Fast Race 
TERRAFORMER   - unlock^s terrain generator.

Insane ingame keycommands: 

Code           Result
[Ctrl][H] - Clouds on/off 
[Ctrl][F] - Fog on/off 
[Ctrl][N] - Mirrors on the outside on/off 
[Ctrl][M] - Mirror on/off 
[Ctrl][I] - Interface on/off 
[Ctrl][J] - (+) Viewdistance 
[Ctrl][K] - (-) Viewdistance 
[Ctrl][Z] - FPS/ping 
[Ctrl][C] -  Coords 
[Ctrl][T] -  diffenrent views of the map 

Startcommands for Insane (to be placed with a 
space behind Insane.exe) 

nomovie      - No movies :) 
nofullscreen - runs Insane windowed 
nomouse      - No mouse ingame, makes usage of the 
               mouse possible if Insane runs windowed 
nomutox      - enables ALT-TAB

Unlock all Cars:
To unlock all cars including the red writer u have to 
start a new game and pause it in the middle of the game. 
Then press and hold shift-and then type in sanecars.

Submitted by: Stephan Booyzen

Startcommand for Insane (to be placed with a space behind Insane.exe)

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #0-9