Jardinains! Game Cheats
Submitted by: conner54
To enter cheat codes, pause the game (P) and press the backtick (`) key,
and enter one of the following codes (followed by RETURN):
Code Result
'gomomgo' - extra 30 lives
'upupdowndownleftrightleftrightbastart' - instant Brickplow Boomers
(powerful balls, indeed)
'they're everywhere' - Many, many nains
'20 goto ##' - skip to level ## (where ## is a number)
To find and change a player's password:
Submitted by: Venkatesh
To find the password of the player, go to the folder(C:\Program Files\Jardinains!\data\players)
and by using a text editor open(Eg:Notepad) the players file.The name and passwords of the
players will be displayed there.You can change the passwords of the other players without
their knowledge.
Submitted BY: rojansapkota@gmail.com
This is a useful Cheat to get to last levels without playing any of the first
first make a backup of the game then go to (Jardinains!\DATA\LEVELS\CURRENT)
Here you will find the level files.
Now rename LEVEL_1.LVL to LEVEL_51.LVL and LEVEL_51.LVL to LEVEL_1.LVL
Start the game then we will start with the last level(i.e level 51)
You can do this with all the levels by changing their name with each other.