Knights & Merchants - The Peasants Rebellion Game Cheats

Speed up time:
Submitted by: conner54

Press [F8] to triple the current time.

Submitted by: darst16

click on store house then click on items a red triangle will appear in 
the items square as each is selected 
row 1 item 1 (tree trunk) 
item 2 (rock) 
item 3 (timber) 
item 4 (iron ore) 
row 2 item 1 (coal) 
item 5 (corn) 
row 3 item 1 (loaves) 
item 5 (pigs) 
row 4 item 1 (skins) 
item 2 (wooden shield) 
item 3 (long shield) 
item 4 (leather armor) 
row 5 item 1 (Hand Axe) 
row 6 item 1 (crossbow) 
then click on 
row 6 item 2 (horses) to add 10 to each item 
row 6 item 3 (fish) to win current mission 

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