Knights of The Temple Game Cheats

Submitted by: Nemesis

To get greater divine power healing:

Open the RpgSkills_DivinePowers.xrg file in your \Starbreeze Studios\Knights Of The 
Temple\Sbz1\Registry\Rpg folder with the note pad or other editor and modify the:


set the "Mana" lower and increase Range, Damage and Force, in example:

*Mana 1
*Range 700
*Damage 700
*Force 700

Then save the changes.
To increase the damage of your weapons, open the RpgSkills_Attacks.xrg file in 
the same directory, and increase the Damage entry in:


*damage 9.0
*init 0.0

For the special atacks you must also modify the stamina, something like this:


*Level 1

*damage 10.0
*stamina 5

Do this in the following entries:

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