London Racer - Destruction Madness Game Cheats
Cheat Codes (case insensitive):
Submitted by: Haspa
CLOSE Remove this console display
HELP Lists all commands
NOTE: there are many Game Parameter Settings listed.
We will not list them, since they are not truly
'Cheat Codes'.
DEBUG Activates hidden debug commands
(There may not actually be any hidden commands ATM)
LIST [filename] Display the contents of the given file (in ASCII)
Example: list davilex.url
please_repair (your car is) Fully repaired
please_instantkill Instant kill
One hit kills an enemy car
please_invulnerability Invulnerable
Your car takes no damage
please_grip Show current Grip Rating
please_grip [#] Set grip
# = -128 through 5 (5 is maximum strength)
please_power Show current Power Rating
please_power [#] Set power
# = -128 through 5 (5 is maximum strength)
please_defence Show current Defense Rating
please_defence [#] Set defence
# = -128 through 5 (5 is maximum strength)
please_attack Show current Attack Rating
please_attack [#] Set attack
# = -128 through 5 (5 is maximum strength)
please_unlockeverything Everything unlocked.
All Tracks/Cars/Events unlocked for Quick Race Mode.
All Cars unlocked for Career Mode.
[Cheat Code only works at the Main Menu & in the Quick
Race sub-menu. It can not be enable while racing or within the Career
Mode sub-menu.]
please_level Show current Level #
please_level [#] Set level
# = 0 through 95
Jump to the Level (Race) # selected
Example: please_level 5
please_leveljump Skip levels
Jumps to the next race in Career Mode
please_leveljump [#] Skip levels
Jumps forward or backward the # you select
Example: please_leveljump -2
will jump 2 Races before the current race.
please_shit Shit out pickups. Consider your pickups shat, sir.
Pickups, aka Power-Ups, will shoot out of the back of your car
please_freezeai [0/1] Toggle freeze AI
1 = Freeze the AI of the enemy drivers
0 = Re-enable the enemy drivers' AI
please_lose Race lost (well done...). Lose this event
please_win Race won. Win this event
Grip, Power, Defense, Attack. These effect your car's 4 abilities during
a race. Each car has a set of default values for these settings, as shown
on the car selection screen before you start a race. The applicable cheats
above will override those settings.
1. TNT suggests that you backup your Saved Game file first, as using cheats
seems to result in the game resetting/deleting your saved progress.
Save File Name: SavedGame.YAK
2. Start the game.
3. Open the game Console:
Hit the key F1.
A CONSOLE window should open with a cursor.
4. Enter your codes.
5. Hit F1 to leave the console. (or type CLOSE and hit the Enter key)
You may type PART of a command (such as the first few letters) and then hit
the TAB key to fill in the best matching command (ala 4DOS/4NT woot woot).
Also, the Up/Down arrow keys cycle through previous commands.