Master of Orion 3 Game Cheats

Updates by: Aduh
Submitted by: conner54      
Hex Cheat:
Open your saved game file with a hex editor. Find the start offset of 
your game name (empire name) in the file. 
Add this offset + 27. This 4 byte equals the money. 
for example, your money is
(00) 00 00 d7 = $215
change into ->
(00) 0f 42 40 = $1,000,000
keep the left bit '(00)' unchanged.

Special messages:
Submitted by: Benzschwagel

Enter one of the following words in the search feature of the encyclopedia 
to view programmer messages and other special messages in the 
following topic titles: 

Bumper Stickers 
Feudal Sakkra Culture 
Feudal Sakkra Culture 2 
Give a man a fish... 
Haiku by Hans 
Kiss me, I'm Irish 
Light Bulbs: New, Old, and Silly 
MOO3 Underwear - Order Today! 
Rantz and the Mrrshans 
Special Thanks 
The Hitchhikers Guide to Orion 
The MMORPG We All Want 
The Rantz Song 
Wacky Credits! 
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