MechWarrior 2 - Mercenaries Game Cheats

To enter these codes, hold Ctrl-Alt-Shift 
while playing then type any of the phrases below:

superfunkicalifragisexy - Invincibility 
superfragicali          - Auto wins mission successfully 
iseenfireandiseenrain   - Unlimited Ammo 
ooohhhlllaaalllaaa      - Heat tracking 
redjackandtikrules      - Makes targeted enemy self destruct 
crazysexycool           - Infinite jumpjets 
inmybeautifulballoon    - Adds jump jets 
likethecomstarbaby      - Automatically succeed in mission 
ontimeeverytime         - Time compression key enabled 
antijolt                - Time expansion enabled 
bubbleboy               - Bounding spheres 
beholdmyglory           - Imfree-eye mode on 
undflashyflashy         - AutoGrouping enabled (makes all weapons 
                          fire from the first trigger) 
walkthisway             - Leading Recticle enabled (makes enemies 
                          follow your targeting crosshairs towards you) 
wediditagain            - Display Credits 

Bonus Mission 
When on merc commander, fail the second mission against 
the Dread Legion. You will now receive another mission.  
On this one you get a crate of highly advanced weapons 
and 5 million c-bills.

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #0-9