Metal Fatigue Game Cheats

Submitted by: Mathew Fairhurst

Pause the game then type CCCm to get 10,000 metajoules.

Pause the game then type CCCl to complete the level.
These cheats only work in campaign.

Various Cheats:
During gameplay, press Y and type the following "Codes":

Code        Effect 
Lava      - Unlimited MetaJoules 
Robots    - 3 Combots 
Panzer    - 20 Tanks 
Missiles  - 20 Missile Cars 
Time warp - Hover Trucks Work Faster 

Alternate CheatMode:
Press Esc to pause then type in the following 
codes (case-sensitive): 

Code   Result 
CCCm - 3000 Metajoules 
CCC1 - Skip Level 

See Entire Map:
Press [F9] while playing a mission. You will be shown 
the entire map for 2 minutes. The enemy can also see 
you during this time. 

Freeze Health:
Press [F11] to freeze the health of all players 
(including the enemy).

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