Mob Enforcer Game Cheats

e-mail id-nandu_thunder 
submitted by: Anand.s 

Hold [Ctrl] while typing one of the following codes during game play:

Code              Result
stayinalive     - Can't die 
gotammo?        - Full ammo 
fullmetaljacket - Full armor 
dongerneedsfood - Full health 
harvey          - AI won't see you (can still hear you) 
pos             - Give world position 
godfather       - God, all weapons 
cheston         - All weapons 
buttonman       - All weapons, infinite ammo 
mods            - Get all of the mods for currently held weapons 
gear            - All gear 
imlazy          - Exit the current level 
takemehome      - Exit the current mission 
boot            - Boot a player 
build           - Build info 
guido           - Build guid 
giftedgun       - Give specific weapon 
giftedmod       - Give specific mod 
giftedgear      - Give specific gear 
giftedammo      - Give specific ammo 
glorynoguts     - Unlock the chapter list as if you had completed the game 
frickinragdoll  - Bodies fly far with explosion damage 
wideload        - Toggle chase view

Result         Code

Level skip   - chal
God mode     - chindi
Show enemies - atsah

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