NHL 2002 Game Cheats

Submitted by: jens lohse

FMV sequences:
Enter one of the following folders in the game 
directory to play various FMV sequences.

FMV sequence                           Folder 
Stanley Cup win                      - cup_presentation  
End of period/during an intermission - end_of_period  
During a fight                       - fight 
Generic                              - generic 
Home goal                            - goal_home 
Away goal                            - goal_away 
Away penalty                         - pen_away 
Home penalty                         - pen_home 
Win a playoff series                 - playoff_series_win  
Puck over the glass/out of play      - puck_over  
Time running out for the Away Team 
when losing                          - time_running_out 

Barenaked Ladies:
Create a player using one of the following names: 
Jim Creeggan, Tyler Stewart, Steven Page, 
Ed Robertson, or Kevin Hearng. The game will 
adjust the players face and statistics automatically 
to match that band member. 

Better fight outcome:
When you get yourself into a fight, do not throw 
any punches. When the fight is over, the other 
player will get a 5 minute major for fighting and 
you will only get a 2 minute penalty for roughing.

Submitted by: jens lohse

Saucer Pass:
The best way to get a pass to your teammate when an 
opposing defender is in between the two of you is the 
saucer pass. To make a saucer pass hold down the pass 
button longer -- this will flip the puck up over the 
defender's stick to land on your teammates tape. 

These guys are your marksmen. You can identify them by 
the Bulls-eye icon beside the player name. They rely on 
their quick deceptive wrist shots and score with accuracy. 
They won't overpower you like the Big Shooters, but are 
extremely effective from close range. If you can get them 
in the Prime Scoring Area (from the hash marks in), don't 
be surprised to see the Red Light go on. 

Each team has an assortment of Hero players, which are 
identified by a Shield with an H inside. They are your 
"Go To" guys. When there is 10 minutes or less in the 
game, and your team is tied or trailing by no more than 
three, these guys step it up and become very effective. 
They're the ones you want on the ice to get that game 
tying or winning goal. 

Emotion Meter:
Watch this meter very closely! Timely hits, shots and 
great plays will change the mood of the game, which in 
turn can affect the mood of your players. If you can get 
your teammates pumped, they will exceed their skill levels 
and overachieve. You also affect the crowd, either pumping 
them up or quieting them with your stellar play and that 
also affects the mood of your players.

Variable Puck Control:
We all know that Lemieux, Sakic and Jagr can handle the 
puck better and quicker than their peers. What this feature 
does is demonstrate those skills. You'll find that Sakic can 
make more dekes, stickhandle longer and maintain better 
control of the puck when he receives a pass. The better the 
player is, the quicker his player icon will fill in. So the 
longer a player has the puck, the more control he will have, 
and therefore his icon will fill in faster. This is especially 
useful for manual deking when in close -- try it!

Career Mode:
A number of factors come into play when signing free agents. 
The main factor in determining where a free agent signs is 
the team itself--whether it is a small market or big market 
team. Look for the happy face icon to find a player that is 
more likely to sign with your team. 

Make sure to set up a Profile so you can earn points to buy 
NHL Cards. Playing this feature allows you to get some nifty 
rewards, such as Player Boosts, Cheat Cards, and Bonus 
Celebration animations. To activate a profile, go to "NHL 
Cards" from the Main Menu, select 'Create Profile' and "SAVE" 
it. Before you go and play a game, head to the Team Options 
screen and make sure to toggle your Profile "ON". Otherwise 
you won't collect any points to buy NHL Cards. 

Player Cards:
Each player card will increase the rating of that player 
by turning him into a hero. The duration of that boost 
depends on the type. There are three types: Bronze, Silver 
and Gold. A Bronze card will last one period, Silver two and 
Gold three. 

Cheat Cards:
There are 18 Cheat Cards in the game that you can collect. 
Each card does something unique/special and can really make 
the difference when playing an important game. We aren't 
going to tell you any more, but we WILL tell you they are 
worth collecting and using. 

Custom Celebration Cards:
These are special cards you can unlock that will give you 
cool celebration animations. Once unlocked, you can map it 
to your controller and play them after you've scored a goal. 
From the Maestro to the Archer, you'll enjoy the different 
celebration sequences. (Even better when you're playing a 
friend -- use them to rub it in like a taunt!)

Easy Way to Score on Your Own Team:
Submitted by: Somebody

This cheat works effectively, especially in Difficult Mode.  
If you're ahead by a large amount of goals and you want to show some mercy, 
follow these steps:

NOTE: Turn the Offside option OFF before attempting.

a) Gain control of the puck
b) Head straight towards your goalie
c) Get your stick between your goalie's legs
d) Press the "Pass" button

An extra thing is that the color commentator will say, "
As of this moment, he has no friends.  Family, maybe.  Friends...no."

Submitted by: hutch

When u start a game, and u have a screen that lets u choose the jersey 
for each team and lets u see the current line ups....here's what u do to 
make ur team have a really unfair advantage:

on the opposing team, set both the top (players speed) and bottom 
(goalie speed) as far to the LEFT as it will allow

next, go to YOUR team, and using the same little blue button (or the +/-) 
move the little blue ball all the way to the RIGHT.

now when u click on the right arrow to start the game, ur team will 
have the fastest goalie and teammembers while the the opposition will
have the slowest.  
try it out. it works unlike most cheats the people post on the net.

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #0-9