Oh! Pai Game Cheats

To see photoshop:
modify either flag0 (for savegame 1), flag1 (for savegame 2),
or flag2 (for savegame 3):
change bytes $B6 through $D3 to $11 (except see below 
regarding $BA), then run the game, choosing:
any of 2 options
any of 2 options
last one of 4 options: start new game, change to different 
girl, load game, and music/graphic room.
middle one of 3 options (CG)
then choose savegame corresponding to the modified file, or 
bottom to cancel then choose one of the 6 girls (by symbol set)
(Sorry, can only see one girl of 6 at a time. You have to start from 
the 4 options after seeing all 9 or 10 pictures for a girl.)

WARNING: The symbol set in the bottom right hand corner shows images 
of a girl who is apparently "underage".

Search by Game Name

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #0-9