Premier Manager'98 Game Cheats

Any player 4 5000:
Submitted by: Calum Starkey

First select ure team and select a  team u want a player from  as player 2. 
Now during the season set an offer 4 the player u want ie 5000.make sure u 
give him about 1,750,000 as his yearly wage .As u r the other team, except 
the offer and the player will be sold 4 5000 EASY! 

Submitted by: Calum Starkey

Play as Liverpool and select Man U as player 2 and player 3 as Arsenal.Buy all 
the best players and ure un stopable.
Play as Crystal palace and get all of man u's players.u go from a cack team 2 
the worlds greatest.

Various Cheats:
At the main menu type in the code all teams 
to get all teams including Spanish, German 
and Italian

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