Quake Game Cheats

Update by: Dj Simo

When you enter these cheats you'll need to bring
up the CONSOLE or by using the (~) key or hit ESC,
selecting Options and then Console.(this way takes
to long!) Then your set to type in the following 
cheats to get what ever ya want!

CODE             RESULT
GOD            - god mode(don't use it too long,cuz it'll say 
                 "Jhon Doe has died of boredom!")
GIVE S         - shotgun shells (replace ? w/ any # 255 or lower)
GIVE C         - battery charge (replace ? w/ any # 255 or lower) 
GIVE R         - rockets (replace ? w/ any # 255 or lower) 
GIVE N         - nails (replace ? w/ any # 255 or lower) 
GIVE H         - health (replace ? w/ any # 999 or lower)
NOCLIP         - allows ya 2 walk through walls
MAP E1M        - warp to ? map (replace ? w/ #)
IMPULSE 255    - quad damage mode
NOTARGET       - enemies don't see ya untill you shot at em
FLY            - ya can fly (use D key for up, C key for down)
IMPULSE 11     - gives you the jewels (1 for every time ya use 
                 it- you'll only need to use it 4 times)
SV_GRAVITY -50 - reduces gravity(repalce w/ any)
Crosshair 1    - Gives you crosshairs 
Fov X          - Increases peripheral vision (where x is your field of vision) 
Give #         - gives weapon #
                 3=Double-barreled shotgun
                 5=Chain nailgun
                 6=Grenade launcher
                 7=Rocket launcher
                 8=Laser gun
Impulse 9      - All Weapons 
Kill           - suicide
map e#m#       - Level Warp 
Map End        - Takes you to last level
R_Fullbright 1 - Everything is bright 
Version        - Gives you version information

Nightmare Skill
Submitted by by: Dj Simo

Start in Normal skill mode. Go into the 4th episode but don't 
get into the time portal. When you fall out of the water, 
go to the console and type in "Fly". 
Go up , turn left, and enter the doorway...
Step into the water but don't fall through. Swim all the way against 
the wall on the same side you enter the water (where the shield is in 
deathmatch). Now fall through and you will land on the rafter. Walk on 
the rafter right into the Nightmare entrance.

Fight against Shub-Niggurath:
Submitted by by: Dj Simo

Choose hard to difficult level. When you come from the teleport 
to ep-choice hall walk straight to forward for a few seconds. 
Then type noclip and hold c until you come to tunnel. There's a 
gorge where you have to jump. It's take you automatically to secret 
level where you can fiight against Shub-Niggurath.

Shareware Version:
Submitted by: One Drunken Monkey
E-mail: one_drunken_monkey@hotmail.com

To use these codes, type them at the console.
(Press the ~ key to get to the console)

Actions           Results
GOD             - God Mode
NOCLIP          - No Clipping Mode
IMPULSE 9       - All Weapons and Keys
IMPULSE 255     - Quad Damage
GIVE #          - Gives any # gun
GIVE R #        - Get Rockets
GIVE N #        - Get Nails
GIVE H #        - Get Health
GIVE S #        - Get Shells
GIVE C #        - Get Cells
KILL            - Suicide
FLY             - Fly Mode
MAP E#M#        - Level Warp
NOTARGET        - Enemies Won't See You
impulse 11      - Gives you one of the runes
r_fullbright ## - Gets rid of Shadows
sv_gravity ##   - Change gravity of the level
REIGISTER1      - Game thinks its registered

QUAKE Commands and Cheats:
Submitted by: Jeansy jrl@yebo.co.za
Here's a list of all commands you can use by pressing the [~] (tilde)
key on your keyboard. This is called to 'CONSOLE (MENU)' wow :)

Note1: most things are no cheats, but maybe you can use them.
Note2: # means that you have to fill in a number at that spot!

ALIAS                      - Set an alias besides playername ????
AMBIENT_FADE ###           - Set the ambient fade ????
BEGIN                      - Networkgame function
BF                         - Screen lights up, dunnow!
BGMBUFFER ####             - Set the buffersize (networkplay?)
BIND                       - Give a key a special function in the game
CENTERVIEW                 - Center your viewport
CHANGELEVEL [E#M#]         - Change to level E#M#
CLEAR                      - Clearscreen in the console screen
CMD                        - ????
COLOR                      - Select color (teamplay/networkgame)
COM1                       - Setup Comport 1 for Modemplay
COM2                       - Setup Comport 2 for Modemplay
CONNECT                    - Connect your 'client' to Quake Server
DEMOS                      - Start a demo
DISCONNECT                 - Disconnect from server in networkplay
ECHO                       - Works the same as the dos command ECHO
EDICTCOUNT                 - Info on something ????
ENTITIES                   - Info on which opponents in game
EXEC                       - Execute a script (script -> make them
FLY                        - Flymode
FOV ###                    - Change your viewdistance or something like
FRAGLIMIT                  - Change some sort of limit, I dont know!
GAMMA .#                   - Change the view due to Gamma Rays, COOL!
GIVE #                     - Give Weapon:
                             Axe                             1
                             Shotgun                         2
                             Double Barrelled Shotgun        3
                             Nailgun                         4
                             Perforator                      5
                             Grenade Launcher                6
                             Rocket Launcher                 7
                             Thunderbolt                     8
GOD                        - Godmode
HELP                       - Helpscreen
HOSTNAME [name]            - Give your Server a Name. Default: UNNAMED
IMPULSE                    - Impulse??
KICK [name]                - Kick user from the network game
KILL                       - Suicide!
KILLSERVER                 - Kills the current Quake Server
LISTEN #                   - Change PC into Listen Server (non-dedicated)
LOAD                       - Load a Saved game
LOOKSTRAFE #               - ????
MAP E#M#                   - Same as CHANGELEVEL command
MENU_KEYS                  - Keys Menu pops up
MENU_LOAD                  - Load Menu pops up
MENU_MAIN                  - Main Menu pops up
MENU_NET                   - Network Menu pops up
MENU_OPTIONS               - Options Menu pops up
MENU_SAVE                  - Save Menu pops up
NAME [name]                - Change username from "player" into [name]
NET_STATS                  - Network Stats
NOCLIP                     - Walk through the walls
NOISETRACK                 - Said: 'Couldn't open'
NOTARGET                   - Opponents don't see you anymore as a target.
PAUSE                      - Pause
PING                       - Client Ping Times
PLAYDEMO                   - Plays (demoname)
PLAY                       - Play
POINTFILE                  - Load Pointfile
PRESPAWN                   - Didn't work on my console, network only!
PROFILE                    - Guess some debug info
QUIT                       - Quit the game
RECONNECT                  - Reconnect to Server, didn't work at my PC
RECORD                     - Record your own demo for quake
RESTART                    - Restart the level
REGISTERED #               - With values 0 and 1
SAVE                       - Save current game
SAY                        - Say something to other players
SAY_TEAM                   - Say something to your/other teamplayers
SBINFO                     - Info on your Soundblaster device
SCREENSHOT                 - Save screenshot
SENSIVITY ##               - Mouse Sensitivity ????
SHOWPAUSE #                - If set to 1, 'GAME PAUSED' will be shown at
SIZEDOWN                   - Make the screensize smaller
SIZEUP                     - Make the screensize bigger
SKILL #.########           - Change your skill (??)
SLIST                      - Quake Server List (Network game)
SND_SHOW #                 - If set to 1, debug info on Sound displayed
SND_NOEXTRAUPDATE          - If set to 1, extra debug info shown I guess
SOUNDINFO                  - Info about Sound System(device)
SOUNDLIST                  - List of Sounds/Music
SPAWN                      - Network option, set if objects return in the
STARTDEMOS                 - Start a demofile
STATUS                     - Shows info about current game. players status
STOP                       - Stop demo recording (used together with RECORD)
STUFFCMDS                  - Executes several commands at the same time
SV_AIM #.##                - Sensitivity aiming (1.00 = you hit always!)
SV_FRICTION #              - Sensitivity friction
SV_GRAVITY ###             - Sensitivity gravity, set gravity
SV_IDEALPITCHSCALE #.#     - Sensitivity Pitchscale
SV_MAXSPEED ###            - Sensitivity Speed
SV_NOSTEP #                - Sensivitity Steps
SV_STOPSPEED ###           - Sensitivity Stopspeed
SYS_TICRATE                - ????
TELL                       - ????
TEST2                      - Test?
TIMEDEMO [demoname]        - Get info on Demo
TOGGLEMENU                 - Quits Console Menu
UNBIND                     - Unbind, remove command from a key
VERSION                    - Shows info about compile time/date of quake
VID_DESCRIBEMODES          - Shows which videomodes Quake supports
VID_DESCRIBECURRENTMODE    - Says in which mode quake is running
VID_MODE ##                - Change to mode [1-10]
                              ***** STANDARD VGA MODES *****
                              0: 320x200

                              ***** MODE X-STYLE MODES *****
                              1: 320x200
                              2: 360x200
                              3: 320x240
                              4: 360x240
                              5: 320x350
                              6: 360x350
                              7: 320x400
                              8: 360x400
                              9: 320x480
                             10: 360x480
VID_NUMMODES               - Says how much videomodes are available
VID_TESTMODE ##            - Tests video mode [##]
VID_WAIT ##                - 0: no waiting
                             1: wait for vertical sync active
                             2: wait for display enable active
VIEWMODEL                  - Said: 'No viewthing on map' (debug info?)
VIEWFRAME                  - Said: 'No viewthing on map' (debug info?)
VIEWPREV                   - Said: 'No viewthing on map' (debug info?)
WAIT                       - Wait ????

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