Railroad Tycoon 2 Game Cheats
While playing a game, press TAB key and a
green curser should appear at the bottom
of the screen. When it does type in the
following codes:
Code Result
Viagra - this will make your cities grow.
Powerball - Adds 100k to your money
Slush Fund - Adds 1 million to your money
Show me the Trains - Gives you all the trains
BigfootGold - Victory for a Scenarios
Bigfoot - Victory for a Scenario again
BigfootSilver - win with silver victory.
BigfootBronze - win with bronze victory.
BoBo - lose scenario.
King of the hill - gives your character $100,000.
Let me in - gives access to all denied territories.
Speed Racer - doubles maximum train speeds.
AMD103 - converts all engines to AMD-103's
Casey Jones - Competitor's train's crash
Overtime - Doubles industrial center output
Cattle futures - $1 million for player c
Powerball - gives company $100 million.
Submitted by: Colin Hunter
In Railroad Tycoon 2 you can "electrify" Existing track
for free by doing it one Grid square at a time. Single
track can be made double more cheaply the same way.
A bit laborious, but it works.
Colin Hunter