Rainbow Six - Eagle Watch Game Cheats

Press [Enter] during game play, then enter one of 
the following codes. 

Effect                        Code 
2D players                  - turnpunchkick  
Large torsos when           - breathing 1-900  
Very big heads              - meganoggin  
Big heads on all characters - bignoggin  
Full ammo                   - 5fingerdiscount  
Toggle victory conditions   - explore  
Disable AI                  - nobrainer  
Stumpy characters           - stumpy  
God mode                    - teamgod or avatargod  
Large feet and hands        - clodhopper  
Activate debug keys1        - debugkeys  

1. Once this code is active, the features in the 
"Debug commands" section below may be used.

Debug commands:
Enable the "Activate debug keys" code and press [F10] to 
enter debug mode. Press one of the following keys.

Effect                Key
Screenshot               - [F2] 
Change view              - [F6] 
Suicide                  - [F7] or [F8]  
Return to normal view    - [F9]  
Exit debug mode          - [F10]  
Level skip               - [F12] 
Adjust lighting          - [ or }  
Toggle AI                - A 
Third person views       - V or B  
Change screen resolution - [Keypad 1] or [Keypad 3]

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #0-9