Revolution Game Cheats

Submitted by: conner54      

Modify the shortcut to your game and add the 
"-cheats" and -"funlabs" parameters. 
"C:\Program Files\Activision Value\FUN labs\Revolution\Bin\Revolution.exe" 
-cheats -funlabs 

While playing, press [~] to open up the console and type one of the 
following commands and press [Enter]: 

Code                Result 
godMode = 1         God Mode 
noClip = 1          No Clipping 
give health         Add Health 
give weapons        Add Weapons 
aiDisableThink = 1  Disable AI Thinking 
aiDisableAct = 1    Disable AI Acting 
revNextSpawn        Jump to Next Spawn Point 
spMapList           List Maps 
help                List All Commands

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