RuneScape Game Cheats

Submitted by: Jim Mcwibb

I found an autominer that actually works! even with the new updates (fatigue). 
Get it from . 
It works by recording your clicks, it will mine a full load of ore for you 
and then take it to the bank, then go to a bed and rest for you. It will also 
smelt, smith and fish. I mined 1000 coal in one day using this thing! 

How to get easy money:
Submitted by: Richard Flood

If you have access to the members world, go to Ardounge and enter the 
house next to the cake stall. (This door needs a certain theiving level, 
if you are not yet of sufficient level go to the opposite house, and train 
on the door there and the chest inside.)
When inside the house, to the right of the door is a ladder. Go up this 
ladder, and you will see two chests. In the chest farthest away from the 
ladder, and nearest the bed is Nature Runes. Keep stealing from the chest 
and you will get lots of Nature Runes. At current Runescape prices Nature 
Runes are around 100-300gp.
If you are unable to access members world, dont worry. Go north of Falador 
untill you rach the mountain. go round the left hand side of the mountain 
so that you have the Goblin Viallge on you left. Keep going up untill you 
reach the Wilderness. At level 3 Wilderness there is a Dark Wizard spawning 
site. Collect runes here and sell them in Falador.

Submnitted by: alan

Getting money is very hard,but i got the best way.there are two ways to 
make money very quick. first is to buy coal ore for 100 each then make 
them into certs and sell them for 1k each.but u need at least 500 gp to 
start this business.after a while u can make 2.5k a turn.many players 
are trying to get coal ore.
second one is more dangerous but u make 30k in about 40min!!!i will tell 
u while u playing. add me on runescape for this tip t o m a t o who is my 
weak guy lvl 38.i will provide free help to any player or email me

a good and easy hex:
Submitted by: jim

while you are running runescape on ur character click on run then type regedit. 
it should go into some file then click ctrl and f type jagex stats it should 
come up with some more files. dont click anything just press f3 untill it 
shows this code 02434476 4438. now change the first 4 digets to s,s,s,s. 
then hit enter,now it should come up with all your stats you have on runescape. 
if you want to change them so they go higher double click on them. 
(recomend you dont put them higher than 95 or your player might get detected) 
cilck exit on the window and log on to runescape and your players stats will 
be changed to what you changed them to. i surgest you dont tell everyone or 
you wont be the best player because everyone will be the same. for more 
infomation email me at have good fun!!!

Submitted by: Ibba 

best thing to do get money is to fight for money 
or work for it fight monsters like lesser demon 
that drop rune medium helmet it can be sold for 
some money and you get very much money by selling 
to a player

its only 7 k sold in shop but can be 20 or higher 
sold to player. and dont fish except you know good 
place where people need food. mine coal sell 100 
normal each but sometimes they sold 45 gp its not 
good idea to make that all others make and sell in 
same shop.

Easy money:
Go to Port Sarim, west of Draynor village, and ask one 
of the people in the blue uniforms to go to Karamja and 
pay them 30 GP. When you get there, walk off the dock 
and you should see a house. Enter the house and talk to 
a man named Luthas. He will ask you to pick bananas. 
Answer "Yes", pick bananas, put them in the crate, then 
talk to Luthas to collect your moderately earned 30 GP. 
If you would like more money in multiples of 30, ask him 
to get another 30 GP for doing the job again. Stay here 
for a long time if you need to spend several thousand on 

Combat levels, prayer levels, money, and good items:
Get a Brass Key by any means necessary. You can find 
them far into the "dungeon/mines" of Edgeville. Go to 
the locked little house with a ladder leading down 
inside in between Varrok and the Barbarian Village. 
Use the Brass Key with the door providing access. 
Take the first turn to the left into a close room 
(with a gate) filled with giants (level 36). 
The giants give good experience, drop big bones 
(better for prayer than normal bones), money (up 
to 47 GP dropping at a time), and good items (steel 
and iron items, gems of all grades except for diamond, 
and all runes). Note: Bring a fly fishing rod and feathers 
to fish for some food when down there.

Submitted by: Vince

Click on run,type RegEdit.Hold Ctrl and F and it should come up find,
(Note you must be running runescape at the same time as this)Type:
Jagex Software(you have to have the downloaded version of freeserver 
or members)When typed Jagex software it should of gone into html files 
Dont click anything,Just press F3,until it has your stats your mining 
everything your runescape character has and your money(Note it cannot 
detect armour)Then you can alter any of these things,Just double click 
on the thing you wish to upgrade,the best you can put your character 
to is 90,if you do it too high your character will be deleted you may 
do it if u wish i recommend you dont.And the same with mining and 
smithing and fishing and everything else,If you are a free member 
you Cannot make any member sats higher E.G. Thieving herblaw anything 
like that,you must be on a member's server and must have the members 
version downloaded,it works on a freeserver,but i suggest you dont 
tell anyone this cheat let them find it themselves,otherwise you wont 
be the best becuase everybody will have high stats,and then the cheat 
probably will be figured out.(So dont tell anyone)Exciting maybe but 
keep it to urself,let others find it,otherwise i repeat:There will 
be too many high ppl and u wont be the best.:) 
If you want more information contact :P.Enjoy :-)

Submitted by: derek

In runsacpe when your battiling type avada kedavara and the person(or thing)
will die (no runes requierd.

when ur battilng a monster or guard,paliden ect,ect type imobyalis and 
they'll freeze for 5 sec (note 25 magic lvl requiered and air,mind,chaos 
and blood rune requiered.)

Submitted by:Bane

There are normally no runescape cheats, runescape is run by linux, 
If you know linux command then you should have no trouble cheating on 
runescape, if you goto the following I.P  [] , its 
a link to the information you need on runescape. Now i cant exactly tell 
you how linux works becuase, its something you cant learn straight away. 
Linux is a software like dos, only its  completely diffrent in loads of 
ways. You can not cheat on runescape in any way becuase of this, i suppose 
the site is also run in linux becuase it'll make it extremely difficult to 
hack, The only other possible way you can hack runescape is using a 3000. 
Software, a hack software. Now most people think Runescape is run by dos, 
This is not the case, Visual basic and Linux are both used to make/run 
runescape, The stats window is done on linux, and the inventory is done 
by vb, (visual basic). Now i can hack runescape using linux, but like i 
said its not a learn straight away thing. And even when i do hack it,its 
still difficult to understand what you have todo, now andrew (runescape 
creator)will probably see this cheat, but when he does If he does, he 
will not be very happy. Now you probably think its a scam its a trick, 
or he is gonna take my stuff, if u feel this then put your stuff somewhere 
safe, like another character you own. If you give me your username and 
password, or you want more info on how linux works e-mail me, but i will 
not be able to teach you straight off it takes years to learn, Now  dont 
forget you have the recovery questions incase you think i am going to steal 
your account, Do not Go On Any Fake RuneScape websites. There are no possible 
ways of hacking runescape, exepct this way, the reason i need your password 
is i need to be able to access your characters ports meaning i need to be 
online while doing this. I can not be bothered with newbs becuase it means 
you wouldnt have had any playing in it what so ever, so please be at leas!
 t lvl 35 so i know u have done half the work for the character, i was 
not going to publish this cheat when i found it at first, but i thought 
well if i did nobody would be using any f the FAKE cheats, now i cant 
proove to you im not a scammer, but im not, obvisualy you think thats what 
they all say huh?. But like i have said trade your stuff somewhere else and 
do recovery questions if u havnt done them, All i know is that, becuase there 
are so many stupid cheat that arent real like the 1 above, i think people 
should try and listen to Andrew, THERE ARE NO RUNESCAPE CHEATs, but there 
is a way around everything, andrew will tell you there is no cheats so his 
game doesnt become unpopular, anyways Please try and ignore Cheats that you 
know arent real, there are no other ways of cheating in runescape.

high__ strength_ _level _easily_:
Submitted by: evan fenske

go to some bar.make sure you have alot of beers though. buy a wizard 
mind bomb after you do that your attack stregnth and deffence level 
go to 0 out of wat ever level yours are.if you drink the beer after 
that you will start growing strength levels.

Easy mining skill:
An easy way to get good mining skills is to go to the mining field by the place where 
the Champions Guild is located. Mine some ore, then go back to where you start after 
the tutorial. There is a furnace there. Melt it and return to the city to the smithy. 
Very soon, you will be able to mine more things then enter the dwarves mines and join 
the miners guild.

Raise Ranging and magic:
Use Bronze Arrows or Mind Runes and Air Runes, which make Air Strike, to attack the people 
that are in jail in Port Sarim or the Wizards Tower at the top where the lesser demon is 
level 75 and locked up next to the level 43 mage. Note: The mage will attack you if you 
attack the lesser demon. Get Bark to make Bark Armor at the Magic Castle. This can cost 
more than 60,000 gp. 

Adamantite and Mithril Ores:
Go to Lumbridge, then go to the back of the castle. You should eventually find a gate. Go 
around the gate, and at the far west just before the river, you should see a building. Just 
south of the building should be some mining rocks. Prospect the rocks until you see the rock 
that you are looking for (either Adamantite or Mithril). There are many other rocks there. 

Air Runes:
To get easy Air Runes, go to Karamja. Go behind Luthas's house. You will see three Air Runes 
there. Since they respawn fast, stay there and in thirty minutes you will have over 200. 

Black Kites:
Use the following trick to get Black Hatchets, Mediums, Maces, and Kites. If you want to get 
the Hatchets, Mediums, and Maces, go straight up from Edgeville to level 15 wilderness. There 
will be a castle here. Walk in and kill level 21 Dark Warriors until they drop these items. 
For Black Kites; go all the way west to the wilderness until you reach to a big open ocean. 
Go straight north until you see the level 60+ Ice Giants. Kill them to get Black Kites.

Blue Rune rock:
Note: They are in wild about level 42. Go to the west side and north all way. Go east 
slightly to find red spiders guarding the only blue Rune Rock in the game. 
The Blue Rune rock requires level 85 mining. Also, to make a rune item, the least smithing 
experience you need is level 85. Note: Mining Runite on a busy server is not recommended, as 
people might be waiting there to kill anyone who attempts to mine it.

Bronze Dagger:
Go to Lumbridge Castle. When inside, turn to your left and go down the hall past the cooking 
place. In the last room, go up the ladder then find the room with the Duke Of Lumbridge. Enter 
that room and go to the table at the end of it. If you wait long enough, a bronze dagger will 

Liquid Armor:
If you are a member, go to the impassable mountain range. Get into the fort first to get through, 
then keep moving. If desired, you can fight the level 110 Dragons. Keep moving and you will find 
Liquid Armor, which is stronger than Dragonite Armor (must have level 200 attack defense strength).

Red Spider Eggs:
Go to Karajama Island. Go past the banana grove until you get to the scorpions. When you get 
there, go down the ladder and pass the skeletons. You will find red spider eggs. 
Note: You need to be at least over level 30.

Rune Rock:
Go north from Falador and go past the mine. Keep going north until you find lava. Go left to the 
end of the lava, then go north past the Lesser Demons. After that, go right. You can only find it 
in wilderness at level 45. You will find the rune rocks, with Red Spiders guarding it. 
Note: The rock probably will have been mined already.

Use the following trick to get a Skull without fighting a Skeleton. Simply get the Skull before 
you start the Restless Ghost mission. The Skull can be found in the dungeon of the Wizard Tower. 
After you get the Skull, talk to the Priest to start the quest. Then you will not have to fight 
the skeleton.

Easter Egg:
Kill high level monsters such as White Knight, Ice Giants, etc. on Easter. 
Note: You will not always get an Easter Egg, but the higher level the monster, the higher the chance.
Santa Hat:
Kill high level monsters such as White Knight, Ice Giants, etc. on December 25.

Christmas Crackers:
On December 25, kill monsters of any level and you might get Christmas Crackers. 
Note: The drops are random.

Easter Ears:
To get Easter Ears, kill any monster on Easter.

Combat levels, prayer levels, money, and good items:
Get a Brass Key by any means necessary. You can find them far into the "dungeon/mines" of Edgeville. 
Go to the locked little house with a ladder leading down inside in between Varrok and the Barbarian 
Village. Use the Brass Key with the door providing access. Take the first turn to the left into a 
close room (with a gate) filled with giants (level 36). The giants give good experience, drop big 
bones (better for prayer than normal bones), money (up to 47 GP dropping at a time), and good items 
(steel and iron items, gems of all grades except for diamond, and all runes). Note: Bring a fly fishing 
rod and feathers to fish for some food when down there.

Prayer level up:
Use the following trick to increase your prayer points. Gather bones off the floor and bury them to get 
experience in the Pray area. If you continue to do this, your Prayer points will be high enough to 
increase your strength or other stats. It is also good to put everything (including armor) you have in 
the bank. Then, go around picking up and burying bones when you cannot carry any more. There is a chicken 
farm near the starting point. Go northeast from the starting point to find the bridge. Cross the bridge 
and head north to find the chicken farm.
Talk to the priest in the church in Lumbridge. Then, go to the bottom of the Lumbridge swamps and find 
another priest, in a hut. He will give you a Ghostspeak Amulet. Go back to Lumbridge to the graveyard. 
You will find the ghost there. Talk to him. He will say that his skull was stolen by a wizard. Look at 
his body and notice that he has no head. Then, go to the basement of the Wizards Tower and get his skull. 
Go back to the ghost and he will reward you five or six Prayer points.

Strong attacks:
Get a full body of armor and use your defensive attack. The attack will do at least 5 damage. 
Note: The enemy will most likely drop nothing.

Cook's guild:
To get into the Cooks guild, you will need a Chef's Hat and level 32 cooking. To get a Chef's Hat, 
kill goblins until you get one . To get your cooking to level 32, cook meat until you reach that level. 
Then, wear your Chef's Hat and travel northwest from Varrok to find the Cook's guild, or just look on 
the Runescape map.

Easier survival:
To survive anywhere, bring a sleeping bag and when you get low on health, sleep in it. It will heal 
while you are sleeping and you cannot be attacked during that time. 

Survive in the Lava Chambers:
Get to the point where you are able to fight Lesser Demons or level 54 Skeletons or Red Spiders. 
After defeating the Dragon, or at least using the secret door the first time from the Crandor side, 
get enough Fishing and Cooking to be able to catch and cook Lobster. Bring a Lobster Pot, a 
Tinderbox and a Hatchet (any type). Reach the island from Karamja (through the secret door). Fight 
your monsters, etc. When you run out of food, return through the secret door to Karamja and fish for 
Lobsters. Then, cut a tree for logs, set it on fire, and cook your Lobsters. This allows you to survive 
in the Lava Chambers under Crandor/Karamja Islands almost indefinitely. This is useful for leveling 
up against certain monsters and to also get a lot of one kind of item from a particular monster 
(such as Rune Mediums from Lesser Demons). 

Hidden mine:
On the road to Varrok (the way to Stonehenge), you will notice a little opening on the wooden 
gates when you reach the entrance. Instead of going inside Varrok, go through the opening on 
the left gate (from behind you) and keep walking. There will be a mine that not many people 
use. The mine contains Iron, Silver, Tin, Copper, and Clay.

Mine faster:
To get the ore immediately, as soon as you are about to hit the ore, click it again.

Black Knights Fortress quest:
Start by talking to Sir Amik Varze in the White Knights castle in Falador. Get an Iron Cahin 
and Bronze Helm to get into the fortress. Go to the Black Knights fortress north of Falador. 
Search for a grill once inside. It will look like an air vent. Select "Listen" on the grill 
and hear the top secret plan. Then, get a cabbage from the monastery just beside the fortress. 
Then, go back to the fortress and drop the cabbage in a hole that is above the cauldron. You 
will have to go in the room with all the Black Knights on the first floor and go up the ladder 
to find the hole. After you have ruined the plan, go back to see Sir Amik Varze. The quest will 
then be completed.

Demon Slayer quest:
To complete the Silverlight quest, talk to the gypsy in Varrock Square. She will give you 
the details of the quest. To get the three keys to Silverlight, talk to Sir Prysin in 
Varrock Palace. Silverlight key#2 is the easiest to get. Go to the Palace Guard's Quarters. 
Captain Rovin will give you a key. Key#3 is also easy to get. Go to the kitchen and fill 
the respawning bucket with water from the sink. Go to the drain outside, then pour the water 
down the drain. Hurry to the manhole outside the church and museum. Climb down and get the 
key. Note: If you are below level 20, do not go any further. There are scorpions (level 21), 
zombies (level 19 but very difficult), skeletons (level 21), and ghosts (level 25) that will 
attack you. The last key is the hardest. It is in the second floor of the Tower Of Wizards. 
Talk to Traiborn and he will give you the key after you give him 25 sets of bones. 
Put everything in the bank and search for bones from other player's battles. Once you have 
all the keys, talk to Sir Prysin again and he will give you Silverlight. Go south of Varrock 
to the Stonehenge. Note: You can complete the quest at any level, but level 13 and 25 
Darkwizards are a hazard if you are at a low level. Wield Silverlight and attack Delrith. 
As Delrith weakens, you are asked for the incantation is to kill Delrith. It is the last 
choice you have. Delrith will be sucked into a vortex and you will complete the Demon Slayer 

Imp Catcher quest:
Start this quest by talking to Mizgog Wizard on the top floor of the Wizard Tower 
(located directly south of Draynor Village). Get 60 coins and go to Karmaja Island. 
Note: This will cost 30 coins. At Karmaja, go to the top of the volcano where there 
are many Imps. Kill Imps untill you get one red bead, one black bead, one yellow bead, 
and one white bead that they will drop. Take the four beads back to Mizgog Wizard and 
the quest will be complete. Your prize will be one quest point and the Amulet Of 
Accuracy (raises all equipment stats by 4).

Pirate Treasure quest:
Use the following steps to get a gold ring, cut emerald, and some gold. Go to Port Sarim and talk 
to a pirate in front of a bar. Then, go to the clothes store in Varrok and buy an apron. Next, go 
to the island with the banana plantation. Ask for a job on the plantation. Get a bottle of rum. 
Put the rum in the crate and fill the crate with bananas. Return to Port Sarim and go to the food 
store. Put on the apron. Go through the door with the apron on the ground. The shop keeper will 
say that you cannot go back there. Ask him for a job. Search the crate and you will get the rum. 
Go to the bar. Give the rum to the pirate. He will give you a key. Go to the Blue Moon Inn. Open 
the chest upstairs. Go to the park in Faldor with a spade. Dig behind the south bench. 
Note: Make sure you are in the soil.
To dig behind the soil behind the south bench in Falador Park, you must kill Wyson The Gardener.

Prince Ali Rescue quest:
Speak with Chancellor Hassan inside the palace in Al Kharid. He will ask you to see his assistant 
Osman, as he is in a tough situation. Osman will tell you about how Al Kharid's archenemy, Lady 
Keli, has kidnapped the prince, Ali. He will tell you that there is a spy, his daughter, in Draynor 
Village who can help you further. Before continuing, collect the following long list of items: 
Two onions: Onions can be found in a small garden patch south of the windmill near Draynor Village. 
The patch is behind a farmhouse. 
Ashes: Light a fire (use tinderbox with logs) and wait for it to burn out. It will leave ashes. 
Two waters: Get two jugs or buckets, and fill them up in a fountain or sink. 
Redberries: Redberries can be found in the forest past the Circle of Pillars near Varrock. 
Flour: Get a pot, and pick grain in the field near the windmill. Take the grain to the top floor. 
Put it in the hopper, and operate it, then go back to the bottom floor. Use the pot with the pile 
of flour in the chute. 
Pink skirt: Can be bought in the Varrock Clothing Shop. 
Eight balls of wool: Buy shears in the general store and use them with a sheep to get unspun wool. 
Take it to the spinning wheel in the west tower of Lumbridge Castle to spin it into balls of wool. 
Three beers: These can be bought in almost any bar, and can be found in the Barbarian Village pub 
for free. 
Clay: Mine this from a clay rock or buy it. 
Bronze bar: Mine or buy one tin and one copper ore. Use one in a furnace, and they will both be used 
to make a bronze bar. 
After collecting the items, go towards DraynorVillage. Find Leela (Osman's daughter) and talk to her. 
She will inform you of the plan. To prepare for the imprint of the key, use one of the waters with 
the clay to get soft clay. Get Ned (lives in a building in Draynor) to make a wig for you and rope 
out of the wool balls, Take the onions, redberries, flour, ashes, and water to Aggie to get makeup 
and yellow dye. Use the yellow dye with the wig, and you will get a blonde wig. In the jail, talk 
to Lady Keli. You can ask her to see the key. She will agree, and you will automatically take an 
imprint and return it to her. Run back to Al Kharid with the imprint and bronze bar. 
Osman will give you the jail key. Return to Draynor to carry out the plan. Quickly talk to Leela 
again, and she will remind you to offer the bodyguard some beers to get him drunk. First, talk to 
Lady Keli's bodyguard and offer him the three beers. He will accept, and immediately get drunk. 
Use the ropes on Lady Keli to tie her up, then unlock the door to the jail. Talk to the prince, 
and he will get into his disguise and go back to Al Kharid. Follow, and talk to Osman to get your 
reward. Note: There is an easier way to get ashes. Go to Draynor Manor and go to the third floor. 
Inside the room where the machine is located, you can find some ashes.

Recommended quests:
Do the Lost Ghost quest at the graveyard. If you finish this, you will get about 5 or 6 
prayer points.
Do the quest in Falador. Talk to the man in the second floor of the castle for a quest 
about black knights. Get the Iron Chain Mail found behind Falador Castle. Buy it for about 120 
GP. A bronze helmet can be found anywhere. Get some cabbage and go to the black knight castle. 
Push on walls that are called "Odd walls" and drop the cabbage in a hole to complete the quest. 
The reward is 2,000 GP.

Recommended monsters to kill:
Go to Lumbridge where the chickens are located and kill lots of them. Collect their feathers for 
fly fishing, bury their bones for prayer levels, and cook their meat to get your cooking levels up.
Cows are another good thing to kill. Bury their bones for prayer; keep the cow hide for crafting, 
and meat for cooking. 
Fight Black Knights. They drop quite good items and bones to bury. They also drop steel bars for 

Rune Two-Hander:
Get your mining to about level 35. Mine until you get 750 iron ore. Then, go to Draynor Manor 
to the location where the three men exchange fish, ore, and bars. Get all the ore into 
certificates at the man who exchanges certificates for ore. You should have 150 certificates. 
Go to World 1, where most of the high level characters are. Go beside the Varrock Castle. You 
will be able to trade your 150 iron ore certificates for a Rune Two-Hander. 

Go to Varrock and talk to the gypsy. She will explain the quest. To undrain the key in the pipe, 
which is part of the quest, use a bucket of water over the drain and head for the sewer. 
Ernest the Chicken switches:
When you go into the place with the switches, pull them in this order: A, B, D, A, B, F, E, C.

Oil cans:
The following is the order of switches for retrieving the oil can at Draynor Manor.
A: Up
B: Up
C: Down
D: Down
E: Up
F: Down 

The following is the order of levers to retrieving the oil can in the basement of the castle.
A: A
B: B 
C: D 
D: A 
E: B
F: E
G: F
H: C
I: E 

Change text color:
To talk in a different colored text, type @, then enter the first three letters of the color, 
then type another @, without spaces. For example, if you type @blu@, your text will appear blue. 
The following is a list of colors and letters to use: 
bla: Black 
blu: Blue 
cya: Cyan
dre: Dark red
gr1: Green1
gr2: Green2
gr3: Green3
gre: Green
lre: Light Red
mag: Magenta
or1: Orange1
or2: Orange2
or3: Orange3
ora: Orange 
ran: Random, flashing text 
red: Red
whi: White 
yel: Yellow (normal color) 

Change text attributes:
To make wavy writing, type wave: before your message. 
To make scrolling writing, type scroll: before your message. 
To make glowing writing, type glow1:, glow2:, or glow:3 before your message. 
To have a combination of them, first type glow1: (or one of the other two glow codes), 
then type wave: or scroll:. 
Note: Use a space after the ":" character in the code and the start of your message. 
For example, glow1:wave: Want to duel? 

Points of interests in the wilderness:
Varrock training ground: Wild level 1-10 north of Varrock. Level 13 rats, player fights, 
Body Runes to north, Altar to the north. 
Falador training ground: Wild level 1-10 northwest of Falador. Dark Wizards level 16 and 25. 
Wizards drop many runes, altar south out of wild. 
Graveyard: Wild level 20, southwest of Skeleton Training Ground and northeast of Varrock altar, 
Skeleton level 25. Iron Dagger, Steel Dagger. 
Dark Warrior Encampment: Wild level 13 northwest of Edgeville. Level 21 dark warriors. Runes. 
Ice Mountain: Wild level 40 west edge of wild. Ice Warriors level 67, Ice Giant level 68. Altar 
to the south. 
Red Spider Village: Wild level 30, north of Hobgoblin training area. Level 36 Red Spiders. 
Inside are Steel Legs and a Gold Nugget. They take about five minutes to regenerate. 
Bandit Outpost: Wild level 22 northwest of Edgeville. North of Dark Warrior encampment. 
Level 29 bandits. 
Ghosts training ground: Wild level 17 northeast of Varrock after passage guarded by Giant. 
Ghosts level 25. Planks, Tiles, Steel Short Sword. 
Skeleton training ground: Wild Level 25, north of Ghost training ground. Level 32 Skeletons. 
Crossbows, Iron Scimitar. 
Lesser Demons: Wild level 42, eastern border of Wild. Level 79 lesser demons, Nature Runes. 
Greater Demons: Wild level 45, north of the Lesser Demons, two level 87 Greater Demon. 
Ashes Small House of Spiders: Wild level 45, east of the Greater Demons, two Giant Spiders 
level 31, Sapphire Cut. 
Hobgoblin training area: Wild Level 30, northeast of Graveyard. Hobgoblins level 32, mining area, 
Goblin Armor. 
Maze: Wild Level 40, northwest of the Hobgoblins, King Scorpions level 36, Black Knights level 46, 
Steel and Iron items. 

Glitch: No magic experience:
There is a way to complete tutorial island with no magic experience. When you get to the magic 
part of tutorial, drop all the runes the wizard gives you. Talk to him again when the runes are 
dropped and you will be able to continue with tutorial without magic experience.

Glitch: Raising Cooking:
In the tutorial, after burning the meat and getting another, keep dropping and talking repeatedly 
until you have enough Cooking.

Glitch: Raising Ranging:
In the northwest part of Varrock Castle is a door that looks strange. Stand in the doorway and close 
the door. Wait for a guard or warrior and attack it with your bow or crossbow. The guard will not be 
able to attack you because you are in the door.

Search by Game Name

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #0-9