Serious Sam 2nd Encounter Game Cheats

Update by: vicvek
Update by: arun prakash

Submitted by: conner54

During gameplay, press [~] for the console and type any of the 
following codes: 

Code              Result 
please god      - God Mode 
please giveall  - Give All Weapons / Ammo 
please killall  - Kill All Monster On Level 
please open     - Open All Doors 
please fly      - Fly Mode 
please ghost    - No Clipping Mode 
please invisible- Invisibility 
please tellall  - View All Messages 
please refresh  - Restore Energy

Submitted by: ykbks

open the directory, then go to the notepad created "Sam 2" file, then open it.
at the end side, you'll find "Sam_bGame"
there you'll find "cheatsEnable=0"
replace 0 with 1. then during game play, press ESC to pause, then F1 for cheats...

Cheat Menu:
Submitted by: Emo

On the main menu, Hold left shift + F3,F4,F3,F3,F4 to unlock cheat menu, 
which can then be accessed by pressing F1. This enables the cheats menu, 
which has give all weapons, god mode, refresh health, add extra life and 
unlock all levels. 

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