Sonic And Knuckles Collection Game Cheats

Level select:
Select "Sonic & Knuckles", choose any character, 
and play "Angel Island". 
Jump and hang on a swinging vine. 

Then, press [Left] [Left] [Left] 
            [Right] [Right] [Right] 
            [Up] [Up] [Up]. 
A sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Sound test:
Enable the "Level select" code. Restart the game 
using the option under the "File" menu. 
Press [Down] [Down] at the title screen. 

Screen shot:
Press [F9] during game play. 

Super Sonic:
Collect all seven emeralds, then accumulate 
fifty rings or a single bonus. 
Then, quickly jump twice in succession. 

Sonic special stages:
Enter the following codes on the special stage screen. 

Level  Code 
2   2965 3192 9023  
3   3610 2354 7327  
4   2921 0274 3999  
5   3737 7423 1487  
6   3053 9029 9071  
7   3698 8191 7375  
8   3009 6111 4047  
9   3482 7286 3167  
10  2809 6267 2575  
11  3454 5929 0879  
12  2765 3348 7551  
13  3582 0497 5039  
14  2898 2104 2623  
15  3543 1266 0927  
16  2853 9185 7599  
17  4014 2308 3455  
18  3319 6540 9215  
19  3964 5702 7519  
20  3275 3622 4919  
21  4092 0771 1679  
22  3408 2377 9263  
23  4053 1539 7567  
24  3363 9449 4239  
25  3837 0634 3359  
26  3163 9615 2764  
27  3808 8777 1068  
28  3119 6696 7740  
29  3936 3845 5228  
30  3252 5452 2812  
31  3897 4614 1116  
32  3208 2533 7788  
33  2994 5155 4236  
34  3673 9888 9404  
35  2944 5155 4236  
36  3629 6970 4380  
37  3072 0223 8396  
38  3762 5728 9452  
39  3033 0992 4284  
40  3718 2807 4428  
41  2817 0087 0076  
42  3518 2963 2956  
43  2788 8229 7788  
44  3474 0044 7932  
45  2916 3298 1948  
46  3606 8800 3004  
47  2877 4066 7836  
48  3562 5881 7480  
49  3348 5109 0364  
50  4028 3236 9596  
51  3298 8503 4428

Chaos Emeralds:
Submitted by: Dj Simo

Chaos Emeralds are obtainded by getting all blue Spher's 
in Special Stage mode. To go to special stage mode you must 
find a huge ring, get 7 chaos emeralds then obtain 50 rings 
and jump twice.

Super Chaos Emeralds:
Submitted by: Dj Simo

Super Emeralds are found inside the Super Rings. The Super 
Ring look's like a huge ring that flashes color's. 
Once inside the altar all the chaos emeralds you have will 
go up and spin around and then Super Emeralds will apear. 
They will also be see through until you jump on them. 
Then go to a harder special stage and get all the super 
emeralds. *Note: the blue one is very hard to get!

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