Starship Unlimited - Divided Galaxies Game Cheats

Submitted by: conner54

Precede each of the key sequences by the \'HOME\' key. 
If successful, you will hear the cash register (or money) 
sound. For example, to add a Killer Beam Artifact to the 
Focus Unit. Press the following key sequence: 
\'HOME\' \'H\' \'K\' \'B\' \'A\'. 
When the \'HOME\' key is initially pressed it will take 
any letter you press as a possible cheat code. 
You can cancel the cheat code request by reselecting the 
\'HOME\' key. You may have to select it a 3rd time to end 
the cheat code input mode. 
The Target mentioned below is set by left-clicking over a 
unit on the solar view. A small, flashing, white disk will 
appear under/over the unit selected. Contrast this with 
right-clicking over one of your units to make it the Focus Unit. 

HKBA - Add Killer Beam Artifact to Target Unit 
CKBA - Add Killer Beam Artifact to Focus Unit 
HPKA - Add Planet Killer Artifact to Target Unit 
CPKA - Add Planet Killer Artifact to Focus Unit 
HWA  - Add Wisdom Artifact to Target Unit 
CWA  - Add Wisdom Artifact to Focus Unit 
HMA  - Add Money Artifact to Target Unit 
CMA  - Add Money Artifact to Focus Unit 
HBGA - Add Best Generator Artifact to Target Unit 
CBGA - Add Best Generator Artifact to Focus Unit 
HBCA - Add Best Computer Artifact to Target Unit 
CBCA - Add Best Computer Artifact to Focus Unit 
HBDA - Add Best Drive Artifact to Target Unit 
CBDA - Add Best Drive Artifact to Focus Unit 
HIRA - Add Instant Recharge Artifact to Target Unit 
CIRA - Add Instant Recharge Artifact to Focus Unit 
HREA - Add Relic Artifact to Target Unit 
CREA - Add Relic Artifact to Focus Unit 
HSSA - Add Starship Artifact to Target Unit 
CSSA - Add Starship Artifact to Focus Unit 
HCRA - Add Component Repair Artifact to Target Unit 
CCRA - Add Component Repair Artifact to Focus Unit 
HFRA - Add Finish Research Artifact to Target Unit 
CFRA - Add Finish Research Artifact to Focus Unit 
HBSA - Add Best Shields Artifact to Target Unit 
CBSA - Add Best Shields Artifact to Focus Unit 
HBAA - Add Best Armor Artifact to Target Unit 
CBAA - Add Best Armor Artifact to Focus Unit 
HBFA - Add Best Fighters Artifact to Target Unit 
CBFA - Add Best Fighters Artifact to Focus Unit 
HMPA - Add Maximum Population Artifact to Target Unit 
CMPA - Add Maximum Population Artifact to Focus Unit 
HFDA - Add Fold Drive Artifact to Target Unit 
CFDA - Add Fold Drive Artifact to Focus Unit 
HRSA - Add Ram Shields Artifact to Target Unit 
CRSA - Add Ram Shields Artifact to Focus Unit 
HICA - Add Instant Colony Artifact to Target Unit 
CICA - Add Instant Colony Artifact to Focus Unit 
HISA - Add Invincible Shields Artifact to Target Unit 
CISA - Add Invincible Shields Artifact to Focus Unit 
HARA - Add Advanced Research Artifact to Target Unit 
CARA - Add Advanced Research Artifact to Focus Unit 
HMCE - Add Maximum Combat Experience to Target Unit 
CMCE - Add Maximum Combat Experience to Focus Unit 
CUPS - Add Upsize Starship Artifact to Focus Unit

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